Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. The speech on December 30th was canceled at the last minute. But I had been encouraged a lot by God through preparing for it. It’s all God’s mercy that all things work together for good to them who love God. It’s not human’s wisdom or strategy.



Having been preparing for going back to PNG, we have been being affected by the pandemic of COVID-19 though Taiwan is supposed one of the least impacted area in the world. All the new flight regulations that we never encountered until COVID-19 emerged tell us that our life will not be likely to be the same as before. Meeting the regulations, we can be conflicted and be torn between regulation A and B. We all need God’s mercy to get through all this. Let’s trust we are in good hands of God.


As we were praying for the modified SOE entry permit to be approved before the dead line of paying for our tickets, one of our prayer warrior sent us the hymn “By Gentle Powers” . And we can never be comforted better than this. You also be comforted by all the gentle powers from God.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. Our have booked the flights of January 20th, 21st back to PNG via Singapore. May God guide us in preparation, communication and processing the SOE entry permit.
我們已經訂了一月20, 21日飛經新加坡到新幾內亞的機票。願神在準備工作、溝通事宜,以及申請緊急狀態入境許可各事上引導我們。

2. We are working on purchasing a long-term- durational medical evacuation insurance package. May God guide us.

3. May God bless PNG and enable the people to be willing to take the wise epidemic prevention measures.

All for Him



In Christ
