Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Kellen has started harvesting her hard work with the google site.



The doctor needs the NMR result to decide what to do with my mom’s cervical spine problem. She was suggested that she wear a neck guard while she is waiting for the NMR that is scheduled to take place on July 9th.


It is going to be a busy week again. My parents are both receiving the vaccine injections this week and need watching out more closely.


My mom is a jolly fellow though she is suffering from dementia. Before you know it, she would make a pot of burned food. My dad is very creative and active, and keeps doing something out of my expectation though he is so weak that he cannot balance well when walking, and shows a lack of certain ability in the daily life. Yesterday morning, I realized that he was working on a mini chicken ranch with an automatic feeding system. What would you have said if you had been I, facing tons of stuff that need sorting out? Accompanying my parents has made me more considerate to senior people and more aware of their needs of recognition. I appreciate the work God has been doing within me. He has made me calmer and more mature, and learn how to be a daughter to senior people. I pray that God gives me a miracle and my parents receive the Salvation.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God show His mercy and cure the pain on kellen’s knack and her back that is bothering her a lot.


2. I am still suffering from periodontal disease and hope it can be cured before I take off for PNG. May God’s healings dwell upon me.


3. All day care centers for seniors have to shut down because of the pandemic. My old Pa-Pa is now under great pressure taking care of my mom. May God look after my parents.


4. May God give the doctor wisdom to deal with problem of my mom’s cervical spine.


5. The doctor is supposed to do some exam on the 25th for the follow evaluation of the curative effect of the cryotherapy that was done three months ago. May God be in charge.


6. We are supposed to move everything in the old platform of “Google Site” to the updated version of it before Google shut down the old one. May God guide us to overcome some technical difficulties.


All for Him



In Christ
