Dear all,

Having written my update for many years, I have accompanied many people and been accompanied by many during this journey. Yesterday I went to a church there were people whom I had got to know in different periods of time. And they all amazingly appear in the same church. All of them were amazed by the fact that over so many years, God was still guiding me on this difficult path .



Why don't you try something easier for you

Many also wonder why I never raise fund by teaching English phonics or sentence patterns that I am considered good at. Yeah. In 2015 , I came to this church , raising fund by selling my home-made bread, and this year, PNG coffee beans and my handmade bags though I am never an expert in baking, coffee brewing, or sewing. Actually, I don't know why God wants me to make blouses and bags for raising fund this year. Especially I am such a slow worker that I have owed 14 bags and 4 blouses so far. What I can do is merely listen and obey, following God's guidance step by step.



Why are you where you are

In fact, if you ask a missionary why God would like him to go to that particular field out of so huge the need in the world, you can expect him to give you the answer "I don't know." instead of "I am the right person" or "They need me there." Since 2011, God has told me not to fear but to seek for His guidance and to be faithful in minor tasks. For the need in the field is so huge that no individual or single team can achieve by human strength. What a missionary can do is pray day after day , seek for God's sign step by step. All decisions are made by God's guidance instead of the circumstances, humane strength or self-judgement.



〈How can one see God〉

Reviewing my raising fund by selling home made bread in 2015, both the church and I can see how God's will be done: I was very ill then. Even after few months of treatment, I still had minor fever all the time. And the doctor declared that my cough could never be completely healed. But God inspired me to go to PNG again. He gave me all the equipment needed for making bread and told me to sell bread for raising fund. Each bun was sold for 20NTD and I needed 200,000NTD to cover everything. The "4 zeroes" difference between 20 and 200,000 evoked so many conversations between God and me. God taught me two lessons. Lesson number one: I should mind my own business and leave God to do His work. Lesson number two: Only submission leads one to experiencing God.

So, I kept my mouth shut and made my buns. And God faithfully made me achieve the goal of fund raising. More amazingly, my cough was gone due to working long hours with the oven. It was a sauna, wasn't it?

Not only me but also all people participating in this event had experienced our Might God. (Gen 21:6 Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.”)


現在回頭看2015年做麵包募款的過程,我和教會都能看到神的美意成全:那一年Sandy病得很重,多次檢查及治療後,我的身體仍然持續輕微發燒。醫生也宣告因為肺部阻塞,我的咳嗽不會痊癒。然而,神卻感動我那年要再去新幾內亞,而且要靠做麵包募款,神把打麵糰的器具、專業的烤箱及烤盤都為我預備好了。那一年的生活費及事工預算是20萬元,一個麵包賣20元。「神啊!後面差四個零吶!」這四個零讓我與神有很多很多對話。神告訴我兩件事:一、我做好我該做的,不用插手管神的事。二、單純專一的順服神的帶領,才能真正經歷神。就這樣,我乖乖地做麵包,神使我募足了那年所需要的經費。更奇妙的是,因為長時間在炙熱的烤箱旁邊工作,需要喝很多水、流很多汗,我的咳嗽就不藥而癒了。我在簡單的事情上經歷神,所有參加麵包義賣的人也都與我一起經歷神。(創世記21章6節 「撒拉說:『神使我喜笑,凡聽見的必與我一同喜笑...』」)



This year, my partner Kellen and I are supposed to start a new ministry in the town Wewak that is in the north and is 2 hours flight away from Port Moresby, the Capital of PNG . We shall start with disciple training through Bible story telling and sewing classes, serving new comers from villages who have difficulties finding a job in the town. I would like to invite you to participate in prayers. Let's all experience our Mighty God on the path.

1. May God remember our faithful hard work and open the door for Chinese followers of Jesus to work on cross cultural ministries in PNG.

2. May God prepare for us safe accommodation in Wewak that is not too far away from whom we are to serve.

3. May God grant us a suitable car in Wewak .

4. May God cure my mother's pain on the knee that has stopped her from going to brain training classes. In the beginning of this year, she had a stroke and lost part of her ability in life. May God show her His Mercy and heal her.

今年,Sandy和Kellen暫時不進部落,而按著神的帶領,要在離新幾內亞首都莫斯比港(Port Moresby)兩個小時飛行距離、位於北部的城鎮威瓦克(Wewak)開拓福音中心,主要以聖經故事佈道訓練及縫紉訓練,服事第一代由部落遷居到城鎮的族群。Sandy邀請您與我在宣教的路上一同經歷神。敬請記念以下代禱事項:







All for Him


