Dear all,

How have you been? I can't believe how fast time flies --- It seems that we just celebrated the coming of the year 2000. And it is now 2019! No wonder l am found with so much white hair on top. I thank God for all the lessons of life He has allowed me to learn and His holy presence in all circumstances. How awesome Emmanuel is!



Between the time I finished training in Korea last August and the time I went for training in Malaysia last month, God has blessed a lot with my ministries in Taiwan~ The fonics classes in the church and in the school club went very well. The sewing class with 30 students in the women's prison was highly appreciated by all. Being an assistant, I learned a lot from my teacher in teaching and working in the prison. I believe this will benefit my ministry in PNG.

自從去年八月結束韓國的訓練,到上個月赴馬來西亞受訓之間。神大大賜福 Sandy 在台灣期間的事工。在教會及附近學校社團開設的自然發音課程十分順利。在女子監獄的縫紉課有三十個學員。這期的縫紉課受到獄方極高的評價。有幸擔任助教,從老師身上學習到如何教縫紉以及監獄事工的經驗。相信這對將來在巴紐的事工有很大的助益。

On February 16, two representatives of my sending base will fly to PNG and stay there for 10 days, meeting local churches in Wewak and Chinese Church in POM. Hopefully and only if God allows, the three parties will make agreements and work together on Chinese Mission serving the locals in PNG.


During the last two weeks, Kellen's mom and mine were both very ill. My mom had a stroke and lost part of her mind and physical ability. Kellen's mom was nearly suffocated from medicinal allergy.


Anyway, by faith, all preparations for ministries in PNG are going on. In March 10th, the sending ceremony will take place in Kellen's church. Sorry that the invitation is only in Chinese. I am taking many sewing classes. And inspired by God, l have been sewing little items for the fund raising.

然而,靠著信心往前,所有巴紐事工的準備工作照常進行。三月十日差派禮將在Kellen 的教會舉行。Sandy 拼命地學裁縫。並且神也給我靈感,製作縫紉小品籌募所需款項。

We are planning to go to PNG again in June. Limited by visa issue, this year we will again stay for 3 months. Hopefully beside conducting Bible study, we will give sewing classes and computer classes, co-op with a local church run by Filipino pastors.


Your participation is very much appreciated. Please remember us when you have time with God. Let's experience His wonderful work together.

1. The meetings of three parties mentioned above. May God be our Master.

2. Our mothers' health. May God give His favor and show His mercies.

3. The sending ceremony on March 10th. May God bring and bond us together for His glory.





In Christ

Sandy 20190216