Dear all,

Thank you for participating my ministry through your prayers. In the time Kellen and I stayed in POM, we had very nice fellowship with the Chinese Tien-En-Tang Church. Kellen had an excellent delivery of message on cross-cultural ministry at the Sunday service. And the church deacons are working together with CMMI (Chinese Mission Mobilization International) on establishing PMM (PNG Mission Mobilization).



圖一 一個窗景兩個世界

圖二 APEC會場

圖三 水上人家

On the 11th of July, we were taken by a brother to see the representative of Taiwan in PNG. From Mr. Hu, we received more knowledge about politics and economy of PNG. What impressed me was the view from the window of the meeting room. It was right facing the building of APEC 2018, and at the left side of the view, it was the floating village at the far end. That was two totally different worlds in the same window view.


Kellen and I arrived in Wewak on the afternoon of the 12th. Thank the Lord for His protection, none of our 11 pieces of luggage got lost. On the next morning, we went to downtown for shopping by bus. As foreigners here don’t take buses, two of us became odd to the locals. As we don’t have a car yet, we will have to take the bus to the town, getting to know the stores as well as making friends of more people.


We have finally eaten what we have missed for a long time --- Fish of River Sipik, sago pan cake and PNG mangoes. Kellen prefers eating piranha that are with fewer bones and I enjoy eating bun pis that are very bony. Actually, bun pis means bone fish in English. Sago is the staple food in the swampy area. And PNG mangoes have their special perfumed flavor. We didn’t buy any sugar canes since half of my weak tooth collapsed last week. By the way, this was our first time of trying bread fruit. It tasted like fried tapioca.

我們終於吃到了思念很久的希比克河魚、西谷餅和新幾內亞芒果。Kellen吃比較沒有魚刺的食人魚,我喜歡吃很多細刺的「笨魚」(巴紐皮欽語bun pis就是英文的bone fish,意思是很多魚刺的魚。)西谷粉是沼澤地帶的主食。新幾內亞的芒果有一種獨特的風味,像是撒了香水一樣。因為上個星期我的一顆比較脆弱的牙齒掉了半顆下來,所以不敢買甘蔗。我們還第一次買了麵包果來煮。吃起來像油炸樹薯。

Now we are temporarily staying in SIL Wewak Center. Pastor Steven is going to come to Wewak on the 16th and help us buy a car and rent a place to stay.


Praise the Lord, my dizziness and my tightness on my chest that have bothered me for three months are gone these days.

Please keep praying for us according the SK2 prayer wall as well as pray for my broken tooth.

All the best blessings in the Lord

Sandy 20190715



敬祝 福杯滿溢


Sandy 20190715