Dear all,

Peace and joy from our Father in heaven be with you.


Thank you very much for praying for us. Our sewing class in the rented flat started last Tuesday. Last week we had 3 students, and this week 8. We sing songs, have Bible story study, and then do some sewing. Last Saturday some guys were going to help us make the blackboards, but it had to be postponed due to the heavy rain.


I just realized that as a sewing teacher, I am expected to be able to fix the sewing machines. Well, I have tried my best and the machine has been repaired to be able to work well. But there were two screws that I couldn’t figure out where to put back. Praise the LORD! The machine works!!!


Still waiting for God to allow us to buy a car to be able to reach our target people group, we are grateful for His putting off. Knowing that He knows everything far much better than we do, let’s stay in peace and wait for His time with great hope and joy.


This Sunday, we had more participants in the women’s fellowship too. We enjoyed sharing the gifts that God would give us as we listen to His voice. After that, Pastor Ruel led us to go and comfort the family of Pa-Pa Francis who past way recently. Walking further into the village, we realized that in this jungle village that was in the swampy area, there were far more people residing than what we had imagined. They set up a big shelter for us so that we could sit inside and have the service. The old hymns we sang were hovering around the jungle neighborhood. It was so beautiful and comforting. On the way back to church, an old pa-pa stood at the side of the road with his walking stick, telling us, “Don’t worry. It’s just the one path.”


Thank you for praying for my friend, Christa. She is feeling much better and back to her work with the church. These weeks we have studied the book of Samuel. And we have truly gone through the meaning of the name “Samuel”--- God listens to our prayers. He is our Good God.


I would like to invite you to continue praying for us:

1. May God give Christa co-workers and make her able to rest when she needs to.

2. May God grant His Guidance to us so that we know the best way to deliver the message in the culture of our participants.

3. May God bless Meni Village and prepare the good soil of heart for the Gospel.

4. May God heal and remove the pain on Kellen’s shoulder and neck.

5. May God look after Kellen’s mother and my parents. Especially I haven’t been able to contact my parents for 2 weeks.

Prayer Wall








May our Mighty God strengthen you with the power He rose up Jesus from death.

