Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. God’s mercy, we have had much progress in settling down: With the help from the church pastor and a Chinese store, we were given a ride to the Motor Vehicles Office and got our driver’s licenses last week; and this week we got our bank accounts in PNG. These make us feel much more “rooted” here. Cooking our celebration meal, it happened that we cracked two double-yolk eggs. It seemed that our humorous God was celebrating with us, winking His eye.



Considering that most family here don’t obtain power service, and therefore the sewing machines are mainly paddled by hand, we bought a hand-paddled sewing machine this week, and tried to sew with it. It’s really tiring to have to paddle by hand, and it’s hard to make the sewing line straight holding the cloth with only one hand. Thank God that I finally realize what it is like to sew as a PNG woman does.


Having had the invitations to teach sewing class in schools, we have to be careful not to be dragged far away from our target groups. Anyway, we haven’t fully settled down yet, and that gives us room to pray harder for God’s guidance. Besides, we would also like to have more discussion with and seek spiritual support from the church pastors. Just like what the sermon giver said this Sunday, God is not looking for volunteers, but obedient soldiers.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. 3 DHL parcels of ours are on the way to Wewak. May God make them come safely.

2. May God guide us in buying a car and figuring out the tax.

3. We are still uncertain about what sewing machine to buy for our sewing class. May God grant us with the wisdom.

4. Kellen is having a great pain on her shoulder, back, and knee on the righthand side. And I have a toothache due to the very hot weather. May God heal us.

5. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ



IG: chao.sandy.png