Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Kellen and I have finished more than half of the reports. And a film in Chinese has been made. Having been busy, we failed to make rice dumplings for the Dragon Boat Festival. Several reports are required mainly because this is our first project after having been hindered from coming to PNG for two and a half years due to the pandemics, and this is our first time working in partnership with PIM (Pacific Island Ministries).


感謝大家忠心代禱。我們已經做好半數以上的報告了。也做了一支中文影片(連結在此)。因此忙到沒有包粽子慶祝端午節。這次需要對不同的對象交出許多份報告,最主要是因為這是疫情阻隔我們在新幾內亞服事兩年半後的第一個事工項目,也是我們與「太島宣教事工」(PIM) 建立夥伴關係的第一次合作。

As we have been working on the reports and looking back with cultural issues, God has guided us to make a constructive path in dealing fairly with people from different cultural background. Expecting them to think the way we do can be unfair, even if we do suppose we are right. Expecting us to think the way they do can be foolish too. It might make peace sometimes but we will lose our identity God has impowered our culture to cultivate us, and that will lead more confusion in the future.


I am reminded of a story my PNG friend Bodi told me many years ago: There was once a westerner missionary serving in a tribal jungle area in PNG. At a celebration of a festival, every man was supposed to dance in a circle with their traditional wearing of man, that was to barely cover the private part. This missionary was so willing to be like the local, and he wore like a local man in the circle of dancing. At first, people were caught off guard but danced on for few minutes. Then the chief went up and took the missionary out of the circle. Not wanting the missionary to think he had done something wrong, the chief said gently to him, “We really appreciate your wanting to dance with us. But we feel sorry that you look like a tree without bark today.”


Missionaries encounter all sorts of challenges that can be easy in their home town but hard to sort out in the mission field. This week we heard one of our missionary friends needed to go to a doctor in Australia, the other POM the capital city of PNG. Two needed to go back home for further medical treatment. The nose pad of Kellen’s eye glasses spilt at the support point of the nut last weekend. What could we do? We could not have a pair of eyeglasses made in Wewak. After making me her guide dog for 2 days, she found the tool bag the optician gave her 6 years ago, got rid of what was stuck in the hole for the nut, and installed a new nose pad. Without God’s mercy, we could have been screwed up just due to something so small.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. I am still working on the reports this week. May God give me strength and efficient network.

2. May God protect our fruit of work in Ambunti and inspire the students to start Dorcas Fellowship in their churches.

3. There is something like boil forming in Kellen’s nose. It’s very painful. May God heal her.

4. The car we have bought was owned by a Taiwanese officer. And the document of transfer has been held at the Foreign Affairs Office. May God be in charge.

5. May God give us wisdom and insight while working with churches and other organizations.

6. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ



IG: chao.sandy.png