Mr Stein getting a new nose today ------------>

Can our 2.4ghz transmitters/recievers play up ?

I my experience, i believe the answer is rarely, but yes i think they can.

( I really thought manufactures we would be building 2.8ghz transmitters by now )

Years ago at Waihi I have one hobby king 4A system which had interference problems.

But only when;

My boat was towards the car park end (Cars with there ignitions turned on and they were transmitting on our wifi 2.4ghz and only when one particular 2.4ghz 4A transmitter was present (all three had to occur to give me problems)

I brought a 2.4ghz WiSpy dongle for my laptop and monitored the 2.4ghz signals from the Waihi car park for a few weeks. The solution was to just use on different transmitter. At Waihi I have occasional seen other have 2.4ghz problems. But very rarely over the years and not necessary due to signal sharing.

Two weeks ago i launched Mr Stein..

I had a few teething problem with receivers with broken aerials but go it sorted by replacement.

Later that afternoon a Spectrum 2.4 came down and when we were in close proximity i have two or three hiccups with steering over the afternoon with the rudder turning by itself.

The Wednesday we move to the bus stop end of the lake, nearer 2.4 home telephones, baby minders, home wifi's and the cars with wifi. Only a few minutes of being on the water and my rudder all of a sudden went nuts and was all over the placed, it continued being nuts thereafter back up at the car.

I changed transmitter to a 6a hobby king and rebound to the existing 2.4ghz receiver in the boat and no further problems for the afternoon. So Why?

If you can add to this with your experiences i would be really interested to hear from you.

If you think you know the cause of the problem or the solution,

please drop us a line.