Sasha the Sweetheart

(mid November 2020)

Executive Summary

Tralanda left me a voice mail about her kitty, Sasha, who had been stuck for three days near Louisville MS. I called back, and arranged to be there the next day. On arrival, I was met by Yvonne (Tralanda's mother), and Samara (Tralanda's young daughter) - they led me to a pine tree at the back of the house. Sasha was at the end of a long limb, about 25 feet up, and crying for a rescue. Tralanda joined us for a short time during rope setup before she had to return to work. I told Tralanda that I might have to set a trap in the tree if Sasha did not come to me, as I did not want to risk a limb walk that might cause Sasha to fall. I should not have worried. Once I reached the limb, Sasha stood up, yawned, and made her way carefully back to me. She allowed me to scritch her before going into the cat bag with no complaints. Back on the ground, Samara took Sasha inside for food and water. Hopefully, Sasha's tree adventure will not be repeated!


See executive summary!