"Cruella" : Stuck and Hurt
(early Oct 2019)
Executive Summary
Chelsea called me -- "Cruella", who I had rescued in Feb 2017, was stuck again near Meridian. This time she was in bendy pine tree that was unsafe for climbing (see photo, black circle is Cruella). I first climbed the red square tree and used a hook to pull Cruella's tree closer to me, but it bumped up against a dead pine tree (red triangle) and I was afraid that Cruella would jump to that tree, so I aborted. I also noted that Cruella had a right eye injury of some type. Then Cameron (Chelsea's husband) and I tried using a 5-to-1 pulley system to crank the bendy tree closer to the ground. We did this and tried to shake her off, but this scared her to about the mid point of the bendy tree. At this point, she was close to the red circle tree, so I climbed that and then used the rescue pole to grab her. Cameron and I were exhausted as this took four hours in 90+ degree heat. Chelsea brought her to the Vet the next morning, where it was discovered that she had been electrocuted somehow (eyelid inflamed but eye functional, burn tissue in mouth and burns down mouth sides). Cruella was scheduled for surgery the next week to repair the damage. Let's hope that Cruella fully recovers! (there is no post rescue picture due to the graphic nature of Cruella's injury).
See the executive summary.