Marbles does not roll Down

(early December 2020)

Executive Summary

Elizabeth sent me a text about her family's kitty 'Marbles', who had been stuck in a tree for three nights near New Hope MS. I arranged to be there the next day. On arrival, I was met by Debbie (Elizabeth's mother), as Elizabeth was at work. Debbie led me to the back yard of a neighbor's house. Marbles was about 30 feet up a hard wood tree, on a long horizontal limb, pacing back and forth, crying for rescue. I put my rope in a neighboring tree, with the rope passing right by Marble's limb, making for what should have been an easy rescue. Marbles had other ideas however. When I started the ascent, Marbles jumped to my tree, climbed 10 feet higher and went out on a limb that angled upward at about 45 degrees. I was not too upset about this as it meant that Marbles was now isolated on that limb and unable to climb higher. I put a lanyard above my tie-in point and was soon at height with Marbles. Marbles was out of grabbing range, but some sweet talking convinced him to come closer a bit. By stretching out, I was just able to reach Marbles. He reluctantly accepted some scritches before I did the grab-N-bag. Marbles did not complain once he was in the cat bag, he wanted down! Back on the ground, Debbie took him inside for food and water. Elizabeth later told me that her children were happy that Marbles was safe, and that Marbles was glad to be reunited with them. Debbie, many thanks for your generous donation to the Oktibbeha County Humane Society!


See executive summary!