2017 Rescues
- "Jack" - An Old Kitty up a Tree (mid December 2017)
- "Lost Kitty" - A Kitty is Found (mid December 2017)
- "Faith" - A Little Kitty in a Big Tree (mid December 2017)
- "Kitty" - A Self Rescuing Kitty (early December 2017)
- "Uno" - Stuck Dos Nights (November 2017)
- "Summer" - Stuck Again (October 2017)
- "V" - Inside Stuck Outside (late October 2017)
- "Jessie" - An Orange Kitty Stuck at Halloween (late October 2017)
- "Coco" x2 - A Second Rescue (late October 2017)
- "Martha" - A Quick Rescue (mid October 2017)
- "Coco" - A Six Day Predicament (mid October 2017)
- A Lost Kitty who was Stuck (early October 2017)
- "Otis" -- Inside Stuck Outside (mid September 2017)
- "Poppy" -- Rescue #2 -- (early September 2017)
- "Nymeria" -- A Throw Bag Rescue -- (early August 2017)
- "Poppy" -- The Kitty Who Got Trapped -- (early August 2017)
- "Graham" -- The Kitty That Got Dropped -- (late July 2017)
- "Midnight" -- A Potentially Itchy Rescue -- (mid July 2017)
- "Ellie" -- Rescue by Aaron A -- (mid July 2017)
- "Bonnie" -- A Bonny Lady in Trouble -- (late June 2017)
- "Junie" The Jumper -- (late June 2017)
- "Red" (mid June) -- this is a short writeup. "Red" was stuck 30 feet up a large spreading oak in Memphis TN. Red became spooked when I shot my throwbag up to his limb, and he came down out of the tree. Blake, who had rescued Red from the side of the road when he was a kitten, was happy to be reunited with him.
- "PinkLady" Pretty in Pink -- mid June 2017
- "Cecilia" The Kitty Who Was Shaken Out -- mid June 2017
- "Flash" The Reluctant Kitty -- late May 2017
- "Isabelle" and Seven Days of Misery -- late May 2017
- "Oscar Wilde Kitty" and The Non-Metaphorical Tree -- late May 2017
- "Norman" and the Perfectly Terrible Tree -- late May 2017
- "Shelby" (early May 2017) -- Stuck Again in Louisville
- "YellowBelle" (early May 2017) -- A Damsel in Distress
- "Kitty" (early May 2017) -- Jumps Down
- "Batman" (late April 2017) -- Zowie! Stuck up a Bat Tree!
- "Bonnie" (mid April 2017) -- The Kitty Who was Dumped
- "Angel" (mid April 2017) -- The Kitty Who Tried to Climb to Heaven
- "Shelby" (mid April 2017) -- A Skittish Kitty Who Was Shaken Out
- "Caddie" (mid April 2017) -- The #100th Stuck Kitty!
- "Stray/Pearl MS" (early April 2017) -- An Orange Kitty Stuck in a Pine Tree
- "Richard" (late March 2017) -- Trouble in Raymond MS
- "Wesley" (mid March 2017) -- A Non-Fun Spring Break
- "Nim" (mid March 2017) -- Six Days Up a Tree
- "Stray Kitty" (late Feb 2017) -- A Calico Kitty Captured by a Tree
- "Cruella" (mid Feb 2017) -- A Sweet Kitty Caught in a Cruel Tree
- "Bob" #2 on a Dual-Rescue Day (early Feb 2017)
- "Stray Kitten" #1 on a Dual-Rescue Day (early Feb 2017)
- "Sherlock" (early February 2017) -- A Black & White Kitty Stuck Way, Way Up
- "Ghost" (early February 2017) -- The Disappearing Kitty
- "Stray" (mid January 2017) -- Another Kitty Who Jumped
- "Tinkerbell" and "Tiger" (mid January 2017) -- Two Kitties in Trouble Separated by 210 miles
- "Cocoa" (early January 2017) -- A Kitty Stuck Out in the Kold
- "Oxford" (early January 2017) -- A Tuxedo Kitty in Trouble