'King' - A Wittle Kitty Stuck in a Willow
(early June 2015)
Executive Summary
"King", a young orange tabby, had been stuck for four days in a willow tree in Ridgeland, MS. I rescued him with a minimum of fuss.
"Meowwww---Fizzttt--HISS" -- what was that noise? Oh, that was the Kat Fone ringing, a noise that I had not heard in two months! My Cat-Rescue-Hero-Mojo was at a critically low level since it had been a LOOONNNNNGGGG time my last rescue in March. After four rescues in March, I was prepared for a busy April, but no calls. Also, no calls in May. I think that all of the kitties in Mississippi watched my rescue video of "Bella", where I used my grab pole to nab poor Bella around the neck, and they decided to stay out of trees for a while so as to avoid being rescued by Me, Abuser of Kitties. Anyway, the Kat Fone was ringing -- it was Ms. Williams, whose kitty had been stuck in Ridgeland, MS for four days. Ms. Williams had called the Ridgeland Police Department, who had then given her my contact information. I agreed to come out the next morning.
When I arrived the next day, Ms. Williams led me out back to a willow tree, where "King" was perched on a limb at about 15 feet. He was an inside kitty who had escaped outside, and somehow found his way up the tree and did not know how to come down. With CJ helping me (Ms. William's grandson), I quickly installed my climbing limb and was soon at height with King. He was very interested in this person who had come to see him, and even more interested in the kitty treats that I had brought. I was soon able to nab King by the scruff and stuff him in the Kat Bag. I descended, and handed King and the bag over to CJ, who took him to his grandma. Ms. Williams quickly extricated King from the bag and then brought him inside for food and water. All were happy!