"Miss Kitty" Needs Trapping

(early Oct 2022)

Executive Summary

I received a call from Sharon on a Thursday afternoon about her rescue kitty who had been stuck in a tree all day. Sharon was only 20 minutes from me so I agreed to come out immediately. On arrival, Loyd (Sharon's husband) and Sharon lead me to the back corner of their property. The huge oak tree with the kitty was just over a fence, and surrounded by a tangle of brush and cane, but they had cleared a path to the base of the tree. "Miss Kitty" was on a large, long limb at about 25 feet and crying for a rescue. While I was setting up, she eyed me nervously and her cries were fearful instead of welcoming. When I pulled up the rope, Miss Kitty decided that she was getting out of there and retreated about 20 feet out on the limb away from the trunk. This was fine with me, I was relieved that she did not go higher up that humongous tree. I went back to the truck and fetched my trap, as I felt that Miss Kitty would not warm up to me. When I climbed up to her limb, she ignored my sweet talking and treat bribes. So, I pulled up my trap and set it, reserving more dramatic rescue measures for the next day if needed. The trap blocked her approach to the trunk so at least she would not be able to go higher in the tree overnight. Early the next morning Sharon called with the welcome news that Miss Kitty was in the trap! After a quick drive over, climb up, and trap retrieval, Miss Kitty was back in the house with Sharon. All ended happily!

Sharon, many thanks for your extremely generous donation to Lovable Feline Rescue of North Alabama!