An Uknown Kitty in Trouble
(mid Jan 2024)
Robert left me a voicemail - there was an unknown kitty stuck in a tree behind his office building, could I help? I contact Robert and discovered that the kitty was only 15 minutes from my house. On the drive over, I talked with Jennifer in Robert's office - she was also concerned about the kitty and offered to show me the kitty's location when I arrived. I was soon at the location, and had no problem finding the kitty - she? was about 30 ft up a skinny tree on an embankment behind an apartment complex that bordered on a commercial parking lot. I decided to put a safety rope in a neighboring pine tree, and set my climbing rope below the kitty. As I was working, Jennifer came out to check on progress - she did volunteer work at a local animal rescue and wanted to check on the kitty once I rescued it. I started climbing slowly - the tree was wobbly but the kitty looked tired and just hung on, giving occasional faint meows. Robert joined us just as I was nearing the kitty. The kitty was interested in my food bribe and showed no sign of panic. The kitty was somewhat tangled in the branches, and I had to really wrestle hard to get her off the tree and into the bag. However, she did not complain much despite the rough handling. Back on the ground, I put her in a kitty carrier with some wet cat food, then scanned her for a microchip. No chip was found, but the kitty looked well fed. Jennifer inspected the kitty and said she seemed in good health. Because the kitty was friendly and obviously someone's pet, we opened the cage and released her so that she could find her way home. She slowly walked away and looked familiar with the area, so hopefully she showed up at her person's door later that day.