Wednesday 10th May 2017

Post date: 09-May-2017 08:01:05

Graham, Derek, Clyde, Howard, Patrick, Phil, Lyn and Rob at the top entrance to Beacon Hill Country Park (highest road point in the Leicestershire).

A beautiful early May morning saw Ray, Chris, Phil, Patrick, Rosalind, Graham, Derek, Lyn, new rider Rob, Clyde, John and Howard meeting at Outwoods Drive. As the group was larger than normal it was decided to split into two with John taking the main group on a hilly ride over the Beacon, while Ray, together with Rosalind and Chris took a less circuitious route to Odd John's Kitchen tea room in Swithland. Both groups headed out past Mucklin Wood but the main group bore right after Woodhouse church climbing steadily to the Beacon. From there they went left onto Benscliffe Road to Warren Hill and then on past the north entrance to Bradgate Park, across Cropston Reservoir dam into Cropston, finally joining Leicester Lane to get to the refreshment stop.

After some excellent refreshments the group headed towards Rothley with one group taking a left turn to return to Loughborough while the other took a circuitous route past Rothley Station.