Wednesday 7th August 2019

Post date: 30-Jul-2019 17:54:42

A pleasantly fresh August morning awaited this week's riders.

Short Ride

Rosalind leads Sue, Myles, Anne & David past Cossington Lakes.

Sue, Anne, Marcus, Rosalind, David, Ray, Myles and John headed south into the wind on the flattest ride in the repertoir to Syston. The group skirted the Shelthorpe estate and climbed up to Haddon Way and then descended using the cycle path round south side of South Loughborough housing estate to rejoin the A6 at the Woodthorpe roundabout. The ride then wended its way through Quorn, Mountsorrel and Sileby before taking the cycle track to the canal and then on to the Brook Cafe in Syston. After a pause for refreshments in the sunshine Ray wanted to divert and made his own way back while the remaining riders returned whence they came arriving back in Loughborough just after noon.

The Longer Ride. Ride report by Phil, with additional embroidery by Eric.

And so it was, that the magnificent seven consisting of Howard, Philip, Trish, Pat, Eric, Robert and Brian, departed in dappled sunshine from the safety of the Outwoods Drive roundabout-shire, heading once again on an adventure. Crossing Forest Road alone was exciting as the temporary traffic lights impeded the flow into town, so that, just as that cleared, traffic flow out of town stopped us crossing. The university was traversed without incident or casualty and we eventually arrived at The Rugby Club in good order. Passing through Hathern, into Long Whatton, we then climbed the snow covered col d'Kegworth . Howard's favourite and best cycle path to the north of Kegworth allowed us to cross the A453 without any losses and eventually we arrived at the mostly car free track taking us to Sawley Marina. Only the occasional car trying to avoid the traffic on other roads interrupted our reverie. Once in Sawley, we noted the Beer, Cider, and Gin festival before we turned down the side of the pub and travelled along another exquisite path through to the main road. We then travelled along a 'b' road and eventually reached a path equally free of traffic seeing only some environment agency vans doing something mysterious. Why they were not up in Derby-shire helping to prevent the biblical flood is anyone's guess.

Arriving at Pump Kinz at the old mill in Draycott, I was I was delighted not to have parked my bike, when the manageress of the coffee shop dashed out to encourage us all to leave our bicycles in her garden, as there has been friction in the past with other businesses when bikes have been parked against their objets d'art. Obtaining coffee ,cake and a seat, without any need for rearrangement, we noted that we were once again in Nottinghamshire and, therefore their toilet rules applied. After an extended break, we started for home discussing initially, and at length, the Leicestershire patient who had two operations for the price of one. Back at Kegworth, we turned for Sutton Bonington and climbed the hill past the station to the crossroads by the Nottingham University site. Noting a flash Harry and a flash Harriet, Philip and Howard took chase and took pleasure in overtaking them both before the hill down into Bonington. Normanton on Soar was next, Fox Hill and Philip was held back only by the strict instructions of Howard to wait at the top as he and Howard made excellent progress reeling in another breakaway. Pat and Eric peeled off at Stanford. It was a somewhat tired but happy band that made it into Loughborough,. Will Philip be asked to write the report again, will we see more favourite roads? Stay tuned same bat channel next week.

Rob, Tricia (partly hidden), Pat, Brian, Eric, Phil and Howard at  Pump Kinz at the old mill in Draycott,