Wednesday 4th December 2019 (Yuletide Lunch)

Post date: 28-Nov-2019 10:09:00

Marcus, Tricia, Rob, Mike and Jeff at the start before Xmas Lunch

The only Ride today: (Report by Jeff)The Christmas Lunch Ride:

In stark contrast to recent bumper turnouts, only six dedicated souls pitched up today at Outwoods Drive, eager to work up a sweat and an appetite. Actually, only five were there for a morning preprandial workout as Howard was only present to officiate and see them off. So, on a clear, cold, sunny December morning, Marcus, Mick, Rob, Trish and Jeff (leading) reworked one of the recent intermediate ride routes to Barkby Thorpe having reasoned that this would deposit them in suitable proximity to Rothley Court, the lunchtime destination. Thus they headed South along the Soar Valley, through Quorn and Mountsorrel, where they took Sileby Road. Mick departed from the group at the T-junction by Sileby church, and went North towards Barrow, whereas the remaining four headed South towards Cossington. Turning right at the top of Humble Lane they swept downward through Ratcliffe to Rearsby, whence they struck out along Gaddesby Lane. On leaving Gaddesby they took the next right to Barsby and then out along Station Road towards South Croxton. At the crossroads, Marcus turned right towards Queniborough, in order to return home to exchange lycra for festive rags, prior to the lunchtime engagement.

And then there were three, who continued straight on up, then down through picturesque South Croxton. On leaving the village they turned left onto Croxton Road, only to be presented with yet another lengthy stretch of ascending tarmac rolling up into the distance ahead of them. However, once atop this lofty location, their spirits were raised a tad by the clear blue skies and the sun casting its low, wintry rays over a quiescent, rural backdrop. From this tranquil vantage point they cruised down to Beeby and then turned towards Barkby. There now remained one final, short, steep grind up to Roots Farm Shop Cafe at Barkby Thorpe.

After a revitalising coffee and a bit of a natter in the warmth of the tearoom they were ready to continue the ride to Rothley Court. By way of Barkby Lane to Syston they forged their way up Fosse Way, to Wanlip Road. From the Hope & Anchor Inn, the trusty waterside cycle path provided its welcome, sedate, traffic-free thoroughfare to Cossington. From here they rode towards, and through, Rothley village and out onto Westfield Lane to be greeted by Howard on arrival at Rothley Court at about 12.30. Total ride distance about 26 miles (20 to the cafe and 6 more to Rothley Court.