Wednesday 16th May

Post date: 08-May-2012 16:06:13

Stuart crossing bridge at King Lear's Lake Watermead Park

A lovely sunny (with cotton wool clouds) but cool day greeted the assembled riders. As conditions were good, it was decided to attempt a slightly longer ride that usual through Watermead Park to Birstall using the new "Link 2" cycle track from Cossington.

All went smoothly until Barrow upon Soar where Peter's chain came off. This was quickly sorted and by 10-30 the group were on the new cycle track which gives a very pleasant ride alongside lakes. The part along the tow path to the footbridge, which has yet to be completed, was just about ridable for most of its length and the group soon found itself meandering between the beautiful lakes of Watemead park listening to the bird song.

Excellent tea and scones were provided by the very friendly volunteers at Birstall Methodist Church where the lady vicar spoke to us about her cycling. Ray was quick in signing her up for the Carol Service in 2013 or 2014.

The return trip to Loughborough along route 6 was uneventful, apart from spotting a traction engine in a front garden at Rothley.