Wednesday 22nd February 2017

Post date: 21-Feb-2017 17:36:50

Eric, Lynn, Clyde and Patrick atop Fox Hill

Today I thought it might be a good idea to push the envelope in terms of distance. (instead of climbing like last week.) It was though a bit blowey, and there were times during the outward journey that I thought "perhaps this isn't a good idea after all". We all made it though. (That's Derek, Eric, Patrick, Clyde, Lyn and myself.) We went to Donington, and it was only after we turned onto the airport perimeter road that the wind got behind us. After a shortish coffee stop at Tyler's we came back with the wind still behind us and in the sunshine, through Hemington, Lockington, Sutton Bonington, & Normanton on Soar to Loughborough arriving back a little late after our 25 mile ride.

Howard Rutter