Wednesday 8th July 2015

Post date: 09-Jul-2015 13:13:31

It was an overcast morning when Ray, Howard, Patrick, Terry, Anne, Derek and Keith assembled at Outwoods Drive. As the forecast was for scattered showers, Ray suggested a short ride to the tearooms at Lubcloud Farm. In addition, it would be a new destination for Keith. The suggestion was adopted by the group and we set off along the cycle path towards the Forest Road Roundabout. After a few minutes, Ray spotted Harry Cook, the local celebrity who tends all the plants and wild flowers in the Forest Road area. After taking Harry's photo, we dodged the traffic (the access to the cycle crossing was blocked due to roadworks) to use the Epinal Way cycleway. Then it was along sidestreets to Garendon Park and Shepshed. The tearooms were reached via Tickow Lane and the impressive old ex windmill. As luck would have it, the rain held off bar a few spots of drizzle. The group enjoyed teas, coffees, cakes and cheese scones. After a leisurely break. it was back to Loughborough via Nanpantan. The only downside was the unpleasant ride over the newly laid surface dressing at the end of the ride. (Report by Ray Clay)