Wednesday 27th November 2013

Post date: 19-Nov-2013 14:39:41

Ray, Terry, Patrick and Derek (a new member) assembled at Outwoods Drive on a beautiful crisp sunny morning. It was decided to visit the farm teashop in Long Whatton for the coffee stop. It was a trip along Epinal Way, across the Dishley path by the Blackbrook to emerge under the A6 near the golf club. Then along the cycleway to Hathern. Through Hathern along the road where we were passed by a lorry a bit too close for comfort. Not his fault. A car on the other side of the road was too far over. Next stop was at the farm where we had an extended teas, coffees and cream teas - well some did. Back home was via Shepshed and the Ashby Road cycleway. A really good morning ride.

Passing All Saints - Long Whatton