Wednesday 13th December 2017

Post date: 12-Dec-2017 10:49:17

Eric, Lyn, Brian, Howard, Marcus and Jeff at the Big Lane/Paudy Lane cross roads.

"They were to have a party They came from near and far Some they came by bicycle Some they came by car" (Anon. {I think its by Eric}).There follows Eric's report for the rather excellent Xmas Lunch and in addition we have John's detailed ride report on how we got there, (and back). The inaugural 2017, Loughborough Wednesday Cycling club Christmas dinner! For millennium there been much anticipation at this time of year: The Angel to the shepherds, the birth of the Messiah, the coming of the Magi, The Strictly Come Dancing, final... but whether you prefer Balthasar or Burke, Gaspar or McGee, surely nothing has compared to the excitement that preceded The inaugural 2017, Loughborough Wednesday Cycling club Christmas dinner! One party of hardy stalwarts led by John Catt had set off on a cold morning through Cotes and Walton, took their life into their own hands on the terrors of a frozen Black lane and via a stop at Stonehurst farm, Mountsorrel, arrived at Rothley Court for 12.30pm. They were met by a less hardy but considerably warmer group who had decided, discretion was the better part of valour, and taken motorised transportation to the venue.

A preprandial glass was taken by all, and as the winter cheer flowed so did the convivial conversation. Soon we were summoned into the baronial splendour of the dining room and sat down a long settle as if we had just arrived at Hogwarts. However no Sorting Hat was required and it was paper crowns that soon adorned heads after the crackers had been snapped and jokes read. Delicious soup was followed by the traditional bird or the less traditional nut roast. Christmas pudding and custard finished the banquet.

Rothley Court has witnessed The Knights Templar launch their crusade, Wilberforce and Babington striving to abolish the horrors of slavery, and thus feeling the hand of history on his shoulder Philip rose to propose a toast. John was of course toasted for his remarkable dedication throughout the year, his leadership, and for raising membership so dramatically, the club is now rivalling "Momentum" in influence. Howard's role as an able apprentice assistant deputy was also recognised and glasses raised once more. Honourable mention was given to Derek for his stalwart effort organising the dinner where his skills as Events Organiser, in another life, came to the fore.

Thanks must be given to Rothley court for their service and value for money. The food for the "Golden Years" bargain price of £8.99 was more than adequate and it was served with a smile and a spring in the step. So much so that there much discussion about making this an annual event and even adding a summer dinner into the Calendar also. All this can be discussed over the coming months as we wind gently through the lanes of Leistershire in 2018.

There was some sadness as the jolly party broke up and we went our separate ways, although a few remained and adjourned to the lounge for a final glass and a stimulating conversation about "long case sprockets". sic. ( long cage rear derailleurs circa. 1970 -1985)

Ride Report by John. A rather miserable December morning with slushy snow still lying in places saw Howard, Jeff, Lyn, Brian, Marcus and John gather at Outwoods Drive. The group headed out through Loughborough onto Meadow Lane before heading south a long the east side to Soar down Stanford Lane and on to Walton in the Wolds. Here they met Eric coming the other way who then joined the ride. Unfortunately Black Lane had been closed to traffic for work on some water mains so that there was much ice, slush and mud on the road causing the riders to go slowly and carefully, dismounting at times. The riders then turned right at Seagrave to head west throught Sileby and across the Soar to Stonehurst Farm for coffee. (Eric left them in Sileby to carry on home for a shower before lunch). Once refreshed the John, Jeff, Brian and Howard headed south and then headed west via Cross Lane to the Ridings and thence Rothley Court Hotel where they joined Phil, Rosalind, Clyde, Patrick, Derek, Eric and John (the trike) for an excellent lunch just before rain set in.