Wednesday 26th January 2016

Post date: 26-Jan-2016 15:18:34

Patrick Kevin & Howard.

How my planned ride did not go to plan. The original intention was for us to go out alongside the A6 turn right along Zouch Rd. then on to West Leake and East Leake, stopping at Chef's cafe for coffee and cake before returning to Loughborough. All went well as far as Zouch Rd where I wanted to cut across using a path I've often taken in the past. The path goes across a field over the canal alongside another field and comes out on Pasture Lane in Sutton Bonnington. What I hadn't considered, whilst I had thought about narrow tyres, was mudguards. Very quickly mud built up between the tyre and the muguard on Patrick' bike causing rotation of the wheels to completely fail. By the time we noticed and solved the problem it was coffee time. Having now only reached Main street in Sutton Bonnington, we were no where near West Leake let alone East Leake. We agreed to cut the ride short and go to the nearest coffe stop, the Community Centre in Normanton. After coffee we had to fight against what was now quite a blustery wind up Fox Hill to return to Loughborough and finish what may well probably be the shortest Wednesday ride this year if not all time.
