Wednesday 15th January 2020

Post date: 14-Jan-2020 10:27:55

What began as a very dull day and some very wet roads after overnight rain produced another good turnout, with riders sorting themselves out rather haphazardly into three groups.

Short Ride

Most of the group on Brand Lane

John was due to catch a train in the afternoon and so was offering a short ride to Bradgate Park. He eventually set off with Mick, Myles, Lynn, Dom, Ray, Robert, David, Keith & Patrick and headed out through Cross Lane and the Shelthorpe estate to eventually join the A6 at Outwoods Surgery to head south. Unfortunately in Quorn Mick's rear tyre deflated rapidly. After a brief discussion establishing the he had a spare inner tube, Keith kindly agreed to stay with him to help sort things out, while the remaining riders avoided getting cold by continuing south to Rothley. Here the group turned west climbing the side of the valley to Rothley Station via the Ridings where John tried out his recently purchased camera. It was then on to Cossington and across the Reservoir Dam to Bradgate Park and coffee at the Deer Barn tea room. After a relaxed break the riders returned via Swithland and Quorn arriving back in Loughborough about noon.

Long Ride.Once again, the weather was kind to us, and the strong winds of the past couple of days gave way to a dry, still day, albeit overcast. There was a lot of vehicles on the roads today and we got held up at junctions more than usual.

The keenness of the following for the long ride was to be limited to eight riders. I am sure more than that set off, but those at the back were reined in. By the time we had reached Cross Hill Lane, the eight were Howard (leading), Brian, Terry, Anne, Alan, Bryan, David and Marcus.

Our destination was the Sunnyside Garden Centre (near Ellistown) and, true to form, we set off in the opposite direction.

The ride crossed Park Road onto Broadway and took Poplar Road to get through to Manor Road and Allendale Road. At the roundabout near Aldi, we headed for Quorn. Turning along Woodhouse Road we picked up speed a little going through Woodhouse to Woodhouse Eaves. The now spread pack of us turned left down Main Street and then right up Maplewell Road. Just past the end of Maplewell Road, in a small layby on Joe Moores Lane, we gathered for a head count. Last time we did this, we were headed for Bradgate Park, past the one-time home of Lady Jane Grey, who alas was deprived of her ability to contribute to any head count.

We could consider ourselves more fortunate as we prepared to climb to the first summit of the big dipper ride that is Priory Lane. The second summit was reached, after a couple of us had dismounted, with some relief and allowed all of us to resume normal breathing. It was like finishing a hot curry, leaving a warm feeling after many forced exhalations.

The next leg of the journey, crossing the bridge on the Whitwick Road to Markfield afforded views across South Charnwood and the M1 from a great height of about 1250 ft. We crossed the M1 and turned a succession of lefts along Grassy Lane, Broad Lane and Markfield Lane, North of the Thornton Reservoir. Arriving at the far end of Thornton, we were soon at Bagworth, which looks quite similar to Thornton with its narrow main street or varied dwellings. Then the road to Ellistown was straight and we could almost smell the coffee. A short detour along Leicester Road took us to the Sunnyside Garden Centre.

A kind man with a Sunnyside tee-shirt allowed us to proceed through the shop - the part that sells garden stuff, not the restaurant – with our bikes, so no need for shed builders to offer to “look after” our bikes this time.

Right on cue, the sun came out, illuminating one side of the garden centre compound, and we could understand how it got its name. We were suitably refreshed. I was impressed that Bryan had managed this ride so far before breakfast. But his homeward leg was fuelled by a Full English. Mine was a slice of Turkish Delight flavoured sponge cake.

If the outward journey was characterized by hills, the return had some interesting quiet roads. My Garmin elevation plot looks like a crocodile, starting from the head, negotiating the most bumpy and perilous bits along Priory Lane, before the long ride down to the tail.

Turning right into Richmond Road, we reached Donington Le Heath. Although held up by a road closure, we negotiated a footpath to get onto Ashburton Road. This led to Standard Hill, which after our earlier hill riding was a molehill, and Leicester Road. At Ravenstone, we turned right onto the A447, across the A511 and down into Swannington across the level crossing.

Following a right turn into Spring Lane, we took Foan Hill to Redhill Lane, past a former coalmine, to Talbot Lane. We doubled back along Green Lane, Thringstone, cutting left to Main Street. This led into the lower reaches of Lily Bank to the A512, where there was still some flooding, but none that we had to ride through. Terry and Anne left us at this point, as Anne’s bike battery was showing low charge.

The six of us led on through the village of Osgathorpe, to Gracedieu Lane. Following a detour along School Lane in Belton, we took the cycle route path to Shepshed. After the steep climb to Oakley Road, we turned down Lansdowne Road.

In view of the mud, riding across the De Lisle estate was for mountain bikes. Howard offered the return home via Hathern, but a mutinous foursome of us opted to return along Ashby Road. In terms of distance the alternatives were about equal, depending on where home is. A scout from another ride observed Howard riding through Hathern.

I recorded a distance of 32.3 miles back to our starting point. The total elevation gain was 2133 ft, and average speed 11 mph arriving back at approximately 13:30.

Below is David's representation of the above mentioned crocodile.

Howard, David,  Alan, Anne,  Terry, Marcus, Bryan and Brian at the Sunnyside Garden Centre (nr. Ellistown).

Intermediate Ride:As Howard was dispatched to lead the long ride, with membership strictly limited, quite a large bunch set off to follow him. However, those dithering at the back had difficulty establishing how many had already set off and were also clueless regarding its destination and so decided to form an ad hoc group as they were still mad keen, or just mad, to do a longish ride. They hastily adopted “Through the Gate Cafe” at Bouverie Lodge, Nether Broughton as the place of choice to sate those mid-ride pangs of starvation. So, accompanying Jeff southwards beneath an overcast sky, towards Barrow on Soar, were: Eric, Pat & Rob. The planned route towards Six Hills along Paudy Lane was debated on the go, with Eric interjecting with the notion of a detour via Seagrave, to pep up the ride. Having dispensed with the ups and downs of Seagrave, there came the peaceful and scenic gentle incline along Berrycott Lane - good choice, Eric! At Six Hills they passed beneath the A46, then crossed the A6006 and continued straight. Shortly beyond the entrance to Nice Pie they turned left onto Green Hill and descended rapidly to Nether Broughton.

Turning right onto the A606, there remained a short stint along this busy road to Bouverie Lodge, a working farm boasting bison and venison. Outside there were large cut-out artworks of said beasts while pictures of them adorned the interior of the farmhouse. Fairly soon 4 ravenous cyclists were nestling in a cosy corner inside the warm, rustic dining room, drooling over the menu as the aroma of home-grown, freshly grilled farm produce wafted in from the kitchen. Suddenly, it was all too much and so they forwent the usual sticky, sweet treats in favour of sausage, bacon and eggs. After all, it was getting on towards lunchtime.

Back outside, the sky was blue and the sun was shining as they prepped themselves for the return journey. It was into a moderate westerly that they retraced their outward route as far as the bottom of Green Hill and then deviated to Old Dalby. They left the village via the aptly named Longcliff Hill, grinding up to, and turning right along, Nottingham Lane. They went left at the end of this and crossed over the A46 onto Back Lane to Wymeswold. Saying farewell to Pat, the remaining 3 continued to Hoton and then along Prestwold Lane, past the Hall and right onto Loughborough Road. Eric branched off at Cotes Road towards Sileby whilst Jeff and Rob continued to Loughborough along the A60, arriving at about 1pm. Total ride distance approx. 30 miles, 15 each way. Report by Jeff.