Wednesday 25th October 2017

Post date: 17-Oct-2017 18:28:23

A beautiful sunny and calm autumn day saw Lynn, Ian, Terry, Howard, Marcus, Clyde, Patrick, Eric, Phil, Derek, Pat, John and Graham gathered at Outwoods Drive. It was decided that it would be a wonderful day to appreciate the views from what we believe to be Leicestershire's highest tea place - Ulverstone Grange. It was decided to take on the challenge of what must be our hilliest ride. The group set out through past Mucklin Wood, climbing to Woodhouse Eaves and then Maplewell before taking on the hills of Priory Lane. The refreshments provided at Ulverstone Grange (which is run in aid of a charity, the Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation, were very welcome after the long climbs. The riders discovered that the model railway was once again open and had to be dragged away in order to get back at a reasonable time for lunch.Marcus, who had turned out on a bicycle that had recently been returned from a bike shop after servicing, had problems on the climbs when his front change burst. He then had his chain break on departure. Howard and Terry remained with Marcus and set to work with a chain tool to get the bike back on the road. Meanwhile the rest of the group headed back via Polly Bot's Lane, Bradgate Park and Mucklin Wood, dropping riders who headed for home at various points. As they came onto Haddon Way they were caught by Howard, Terry and Marcus.