Wednesday 2nd May 2012

Post date: 24-Apr-2012 09:40:00

Patrick, Jim, Stuart and Ray grinding up from Swithland

A cool grey, but dry day, greeted 5 riders as they gathered at Outwoods Drive Roundabout. Ray was on a new flash bike and we also had a new rider, Stuart, who is a stalwart of Charnwood CTC joining us, having ridden over the Forest to the start.

In view of the recent heavy rain it was decided that "discretion is the better part of valour" and we would avoid any unmade up tracks as these were likely to be very muddy. So we took the safe option and headed south along the old A6 to Daisy's tea room at the Brooklea Garden Nursery.

After a leisurely tea the group returned to Loughborough via Swithland and Quorn. The track from Beaumanor to Loughborough being considered too muddy to attempt.