Wednesday 15th July 2020

Post date: 30-Jun-2020 16:54:51

The forecast had been for an overcast but dry morning, so it was disappointing for riders to find themselves making the way to the start through drizzle. However this did not put off 16 riders who split into 3 groups (or perhaps pods is the correct nomenclature).

Pat, Patrick & Rob at Normanton on Soar

Short Ride After two groups of 6 had set off, just John, Pat, Rob (with a new bike) and Patrick were left waiting in case of any late arrivals. As the village shop in Normanton on Soar had now reopened it was decided to head for that taking a route across Garendon Park, then north to Long Whatton, on to Kegworth where the Soar was crossed and the riders headed south to Normanton.

The volunteer run village shop was our refreshment stop with the excellent value food and drink served outside. The shop is running on restricted hours as the bulk of its volunteers are well past their 70th birthday and it is not considered safe for them to be dealing with the public.

After a relaxing break the riders returned over Fox Hill, saying farewell to Pat at Stanford Lane, with the remaining three taking Meadow Lane back into Loughborough.

Another Short Ride, Report by David– Ride to Cossington

It has been a few weeks since regulations permitted 6 of us to ride together, so it still feels as though things are not quite back to where they were, these things being mainly places to tuck in to cake and freshly brewed coffee.

Recently, the weather forecasts have not been as precise as earlier in the year, and the weather has been complicated by variations in temperature and sporadic rainfall.

David led this ride with Keith, Trisha, Robert, and new riders Andrew and Phil. We set off and largely continued at a sedate pace, with a planned stop at the Buttermarket in Mountsorrel to be late in the ride. It was a good day to be caught by just about every red traffic light going, but we were soon into country lanes along Stanford Lane. We crossed the A60 by a variety of routes, then headed for Cotes Road, where we were largely unbothered by traffic.

Barrow-upon- Soar was somnolent. We turned off the Dinosaur roundabout along South Street, which was distinctly pot-holed, then onto Sileby Road. As we passed Eric’s house, a few of us made noisome greetings; but I expect these were drowned by crashings of masonry within.

We arrived in Cossington, where a persistent red traffic light allowed us to engage in conversation. Andrew said that Goscote nursery was open, so we had a change of plan and went there. It is a friendly place with good scones and cake, and there were no others using the catering. You just had a to take a little time to understand the signage. The weather stayed fine as we chatted in the garden, and quite forgot we were on a ride.

The road to Rothley was quiet, and we soon found out why – it was closed to traffic in both directions just after the A6 bridge. However, there was a wide pedestrian route through. Climbing out of Rothley, we passed Rothley Court and some rain started to fall. We stopped to put on some waterproofs, and this had the effect of stopping the rainfall for the remainder of the ride.

We tuned right into Swithland Lane and noted that Ellis Tea rooms was open. People were outdoors taking care of their desirable residences, and we left them to it and headed to the turning of Halstead Road, just before the Granite café, which was closed. Progress along this road was swift until we reached the 127 bus. In a straight race we could have beaten the bus through Mountsorrel, but on the way out it accelerated. Keith took the opportunity to gain some advantage by slip-streaming the bus.

In Quorn, we said goodbye to Trisha, and the remainder of us carried on to Loughborough. I expect we were all home by 12 noon. The ride was 19.8 miles at an average moving speed of 11.7 mph and elevation 594 feet.

Howard, Marcus, Bryan, Brian, Rob and Mike at the Pumkinz cafe, Draycott

Medium to long Ride: Report by Howard.The six of us set off on our ride, (Me, Rob, Mick, Bryan, Marcus and Brian) crossing Epinal Way, Ashby Rd., by Pedal Power, then Derby Rd before leaving Loughborough behind via Meadow Lane. A "quick sprint" up Fox Hill then down to Normanton on Soar, followed by Sutton Bonington, Kingston on Soar, and Ratcliffe on Soar where we ducked under the A453 looped round and back alongside the A453 before taking Ratcliffe / Warren Lane to Sawley Marina. At Sawley we crossed the River Trent and via a narrow jitty joined Wilne Road. Over the M1 and then down Wilne Lane alongside the River Derwent. Part way down Mick pointed out where we could cross the River Derwent by footbridge and then go across a field to join up with Wilne La. in Shardlow. (Save that one for another time). Going on further we passed what I have been told was once a munitions factory but is now making fireworks. As a siren was sounding off we hurried on and were soon through Church Wilne and in Draycott.

We stopped in Draycott at the Pumkinz cafe (open 10 - 3 Tues to Sat.) Conforming with regs. we gave our contact details, sanitised our hands and ordered coffee / tea and cakes. We sat outside in the Courtyard and v.pleasant it was too. We returned to Sawley by Wilne Road, then back over the bridge and out on the road under the M1, where just after, we turned off up a little used road / track that took us up to the A50. Here via byzantine loops up and under the A50 and back again to the other side we somehow joined the new cycle track that takes you along side the slip road off the M1 to Kegworth, under the A453 we went and at the first set of traffic lights in Kegworth we turned of for the back road uphill and down dale into Long Whatton, (pausing only to cross the new Kegworth bypass.) From Long Whatton it was just a hop step and jump back to Loughborough. An elapsed time of 3 and a half hours and about 50km, (31 miles). It did rain slightly early on but not so much that you'd notice, well we did, but only a little bit.