Wednesday 25th February 2015

Post date: 24-Feb-2015 08:13:26

The turnout was rather low this week as some of the regulars had left these shores for foreign parts. In any event Howard, Derek and John turned out on a rather overcast and chilly morning. It was decided to head south for the very good value tea room in the Methodist Church Hall in Birstall that opens every weekday morning. The riders arrived there after an uneventful ride past Mucklin Wood, Swithland Reservoir and the wind turbine at Rothley. After refreshment the riders returned following the Sustrans route through Watemead Park (where they paused for a photograph with the King Lear statures) and then alongside the Soar to Cossington. Just past the Hope and Anchor pub the riders came across Jerry just disembarking to do his shopping. After a chat and photos the riders returned to Loughborough for lunch.

Derek & Howard in front of the King Lear sculptures in Watermead Park