Wednesday 6th June 2018

Post date: 29-May-2018 18:14:50

Sue turns into Hungary Lane

The Kegworth-bound riders: Lynn, Pat, Eric, Patrick, Clyde, Rob, David, Rob and Jeff, sped off down Beacon Road towards the town centre. Continuing through the Market Place and Churchgate, dodging pedestrians and their frosty glares, they forged their way out of town via Meadow Lane. Breezing through Stanford on Soar, they belted up Fox Hill and onward to Normanton. Crossing the A6006 near Zouch soon saw them through Sutton Bonnington and crunching the miles to Kingston on Soar. Briefly pausing here amongst the opulent surroundings of the village green, they pondered the prospect of some more pedalling before refreshments or simply to head straight to Kegworth for an early, perhaps longer tea stop. With John not present to maintain discipline, very little pondering was required for the latter alternative to get the thumbs up and so, via Kegworth Road and Kingston Lane, the renegades slunk into Kegworth along Station Road. Turning left down Nottingham Road and right onto the A6 the shirkers were prematurely deposited outside Oaklands cafe. Here they languished outside on the picnic benches, indulging themselves with cakes and drinks, while a plan was hatched to regain some credibility and do justice to the ride by extending the return journey via Long Whatton by means of Whatton Road. However, this was not to be because, owing to the construction of the new Kegworth bypass, through passage down Whatton Road was currently precluded. Instead, the group had to make do with the A6 cycleway to Hathern, thence turning right to pass through Long Whatton, then down Smithy Lane before hammering on to Belton. Here the tranquil NCR 6 ‘Garendon Trail’ delivered the group safely back to Loughborough via Shepshed. Report, courtesy of Jeff, ...thanks.

While the first group sped off towards Kegworth, Marcus, Sue (a new rider), Norman, Phil, Rosalind and John waited in case any late riders turned up then proceeded at a steady pace along the cycle path, by-passing the Forest Road closure by using the Woodbrook cycle path and Ingle Pingle, before processing through the Market Place and on towards the Leakes via Meadow Lane. While the group rested at the top of Leake Lane hill John rememberer to phone Ray to let him know where the groups were going. They then dropped down to Rempstone Road and then headed for West Leake via Brickyard Lane. After another climb to Hungary Lane it was easy riding south to the village shop at Normanton where they found Ray awaiting. It was a good thing that we had split the ride as the seven of us challenged the facilities to provide us with tea/coffee and cake.

After a pleasant sojourn in taking refreshments in the sun, the riders returned via Fox Hill (which Sue was successfully persuaded to attempt once she had discovered her bottom gear) returning to Loughborough before noon.