Wednesday 8th April 2020

Post date: 07-Apr-2020 14:43:41

Great Central Trains

Rosalind's Solo ride report.The ride report for a very quiet solo ride this morning.

Leaving Philip at home in case of an emergency pick up needed, I set off on my own on a now well honed 10 mile route staying close to Loughborough.

South along Epinal Way to the One Ash roundabout, where the bus/bike lane was used to prevent any issues passing people on the narrow cycle path back into town. Right at the garage onto Queens Road, passed the old Ladybird books factory, along Empress Road, passed the silent steam trains and onto Nottingham Road, passed the extremely deserted station. From there a bit of beautiful countryside with geese, swans and the sound of a woodpecker to Cotes. I took a left there to Stamford and left again onto Meadow Lane. I then turned right passed B&Q, right again to Go Outdoors, left towards the A6 crossing the roundabout onto Epinal Way and home. 10.2 miles, close to home, on my own, sticking to all guidelines, home before 8.15 - porridge with blueberries and a brew at home, instead of cake and a cuppa in a cafe. Missed you all, of course. Stay safe, ride sensibly, see you soon. 👍

Solo ride report from David.

It was quite a bit warmer than last week, and there was a haze and very little wind. I chose a route that kept within a short distance of Loughborough, heading for Meadow Lane, following the River Soar through the villages Stanford and Normanton, taking the A6006 through Zouch, turning back on the A6 towards Hathern, then right over the hill to Shepshed and back home via Garendon Park. I think I shall avoid the towpath next time, as it a bit narrow for getting past people. The M1 had a steady flow, mostly lorries, and there was some traffic on the other roads. I did not see anyone I knew, but the fine weather had brought out a few people to exercise. Ride was 14 miles at average 12.4 mph, elevation gain 594 feet.

Phil's (Intermediate ride) Solo ride report.Time dilation, one of the central tenets of special as opposed to general relativity means that it seems less than a week since I wrote as a character in down with skule, back in the jug agane et al last week. Some time periods have however dragged....So this am it was off from home in glorious sunshine, first time this year in shorts and t shirt. Travelling down beacon road into town, traffic remains lighter though there are still some apparently on less than essential business or exercise. In the high street a number of empty buses sat idling. Why? Meadow lane was quiet but two pairs of birds circled preparing to attack. Luckily I was awake and warned them off with a burst of Flak. Keeping to low gear and on the inner ring predominately, Stanford on soar was approached and fox hill climbed. I was astonished to feel strong all the way up and continued without pause to Normanton. Here I encountered a member of lboro wed cyclists but passed so quickly, it may have been mark or Steve? Right and then left took me into Sutton Bonington and Marle Pit hill. This presented only a modest challenge and my heart rate was unusually low and I can only think my policy of low gearing is one to consider further. Astonishing to note that parking charges apply on the campus. In Sutton Bonington? Really? Then it was left down by the old station pub, now a private dwelling and along the road that used to have a footpath raised on stilts like the one into Barrow. In Kegworth it was left by the bowls club, right and then left and left again to join the southeast section of the bypass. Turning right, I encountered a recumbent being driven by arm power and arrived in Long Whatton. No sign that the shop was open for takeaway coffee as has been suggested on a forum in the recent past, but continued on to Hathern, where all at once.... I came across a host of golden daffodils. Steady climb up the col du 'Athern at the south end of the town and home then via the ring road. It's really not as much fun on ones own but I have to keep my fitness up.. if I show a hint of weakness, the pack will be on me when we get back to club riding!

from Rob Smith

Due to a failure of imagination, I decided to ride (an approximation) of a ride from a few weeks ago, which I thought would have the advantage of never being too far from Loughborough. Leaving Loughborough by Epinal Way I cycled to Quorn and turned right towards Woodhouse Eaves. The decision had to be made whether the ascent would be by Maplewell Road or direct to the Beacon, and by default I headed straight up to the Beacon. There was plenty of time to regret my choice of route as I stormed up at 5.2 mph. Crossing Benscliffe Road, I turned right onto Charley Road and continued on until I crossed the Ashby Road into the outskirts of Shepshed. I vaguely remembered that there were roadworks on the planned route, but pressed on in the vain hope that they had been completed. Unfortunately the road was still being worked on, so I managed an improvised diversion bypassing them, and turned left at the end to leave Shepshed.

I then turned left following the Garendon Trail towards Belton. From Belton I turned right and followed the road as far as Diseworth. For what it's worth, as I was cycling through Diseworth, about 20m behind another cyclist, we were overtaken by a police car which showed no interest in us at all.

Passing through Long Whatton, the village store was still open, but I decided to press on. I gave some thought to extending the ride to Zouch, Normanton and over Fox Hill but decided you could have too much of a good thing, so it was the usual return to Loughborough via Hathern.

As on previous rides these days, the traffic was mainly vans/lorries, and there were numerous cyclists in ones and twos.

About 25 miles in around 2 hours.

Hero at Zouch

John's Jaunts

Manage to get out several times for my exercise with a trip up the Beacon and then dropping down to Bradgate Park where I got some more photos of deer. Also had a trip out along the Salt Way to Six Hills returning via Wymeswold where I managed quite a nice photo of daffs in front of the church. While the weather remained warm also took a trip over to Osgathorpe, Breedon and Back to Hathern where I detoured to Zouch and got a nice photo of a heron.