Wednesday 26th April 2017

Post date: 25-Apr-2017 14:28:44

A cool and overcast day saw a low turnout with John, Eric and Terry turning out for the ride. It was decided to head for a new tea place for the group that John had used the previous summer - Breedon Priory Golf Club at Wilson. The riders set out across Garendon park and as they came into Shepshed a rubbing noice could be heard coming from Eric's rear wheel. Upon investigation it was fould that a nail was lodged in the tyre. Terry deftly removed the offending object and luckily the inner tube had not be punctured and the riders proceeded with the minimum of delay. Unfortunately on arrival at the Club it was found that it had sadly closed down during the winter and all the greens were becoming overgrown. The riders then climbed back over Breedon Hill to take some excellent repast at Beth's Kitchen in Breedon. The riders then returned through Diseworth and Hathern.

Eric & Terry climbing Breedon Hill