Wednesday 4th April 2018

Post date: 27-Mar-2018 16:26:19

Phil, Tricia, Lyn, Brian, Rosalind, Norman (half hidden), Patrick, Howard, Rob, David and Terry at Cross Lane/Castle Road junction in Mount Sorrel.

It was one of those days when the forecast makes the decision as to whether or not to ride rather marginal. Despite this Phil, Tricia, Lyn, Brian, Rosalind, Norman (a new rider), Patrick, Howard, Rob, David, John and Terry gathered for a short ride at Outwoods Drive. Rather than take the direct route south alongside Epinal Way the group took a more circuitous route via Cross Lane and Haddon Way to the cycle path around the new housing estate to the west of Woodthorpe. The rain from the previous few days meant that some areas were flooded and exiting near the Woodthorpe Roundabout involved negotiating a very large puddle.

The riders then headed south along the old A6 through Quorn where the Soar could be seen to have occupied its full flood plain. In order to keep the ascents modest the riders ascended to Granites Cafe via Linkfield Road and Walton Way (in Mount Sorrel). The group were joined for refreshments by Anne and Ray.

The sun put in a brief appearance as the riders returned via Swithland and Quorn, arriving back in Loughborough before noon and the afternoon rain.