Wednesday 28th December 2016

Post date: 27-Dec-2016 17:10:32

A bitterly cold but bright morning was Anne, Terry, Howard, Lynn and John meeting up at Outwoods Drive. As it was so cold and icy it was decided that great care was needed and the an early refreshment stop would be sensible to allow the sun to warm things a little. The riders headed south down the old A6 with the intention of taking refreshment at Stonehurst Farm in Mountsorrel. However on arrival it was found to be closed to the riders continued on the in the expectation of being able to get into the warm at the Butter Market Cafe. Unfortunately this was also closed, as was the Sorrel Youth Cafe. This meant the obvious next destination was Rowena Garden Centre that was certain to be open. A very cold bunch of riders arrived there very glad to take adantage of the copious food and drink on offer. After refreshment and getting warmed up the riders returned whence they had come as it was still very cold and most wanted to get back home.

Anne, Terry, Howard and Lin having warmed up after refreshments at the Rowena Garden Centre.