Wednesday 26th August 2020

Post date: 18-Aug-2020 19:10:25

The morning started out overcast with a distinctly autumnal feel to the atmosphere but none the less there was another good turnout of riders at Holt Drive.

Long Ride: Report by Brian Our quest today was a ride to Snarestone, heading West into the remnants of Storm Frances with the promise of tailwind home.Howard led a pod consisting of Trish, John, Mick, and Brian. Through the University and on to Shepshed, a couple of brisk climbs up Iveshead Road and Abbey Road brought us to New Swannington. A steady climb through "old" Swannington took us straight over the busy A511 and on to some very pleasant lanes through Ravenstone, Heather, Swepstone, and the Alpaca Cafe at Snarestone.The breadth of conversations we have at these coffee stops never fails to amaze me. Somehow, we managed to cover Howard's burning desire, in his youth,to be a beatnik, (describing people who didn’t work and spent idle time in cafés,) so much so that he had to knit his own beatnik iconic style roll neck jumper; to Mick, in his amateur boxing days fighting Jack Bodell ( European Heavyweight Champion in his day ), and still being able to ride his bike!

Having received a 50% reduction in the coffee/cake bill, thank you Boris, quiet lanes took us through Newton Burgoland, Ibstock, Donington le Heath, Hugglescote and Coalville. A climb up Greenhill Road and a right turn brought us to Copt Oak. Trish and John peeled off towards Woodhouse Eaves, the remaining crew had an exhilarating ride on the big dipper road to Nanpantan. Home at 1.30 PM with 34 miles clocked

Intermediate Ride: Report by Alan (Note:Turns out the intermediate ride was longer than the long ride). It is a measure of my popularity that when John called for riders wishing to accompany me as ride leader only one brave soul came forward and therefore Keith and I (Alan) embarked on possibly the smallest group to have set off from Holt Drive in living memory.

The trick is to announce loudly and confidently details of the planned route to any potential recruits and that has always been my Achilles heel. My route had been automatically generated by the magic of the Garmin Touring Plus satnav and it just needed me to follow the purple line. I therefore had only a vague idea where we were heading off to and therefore couldn’t entice the waverers.

Having completed 36 miles I can now confidently state that Keith and I, aided by a strong following wind, literally flew down the old A6, through Quorn, and Mountsorrel, where we turned left heading towards Sileby via Slash Lane and Barrow Road. Seagrave and Thrussington was reached in record time and it wasn’t until we reached Brooksby and some challenging hills that our pace finally slowed down. To enter Brooksby we travelled along the High Street but the beginning of which is marked by a cattle grid and a large field with around 20 cows (or bullocks?) milling around the very road we were travelling on. The secret is not to make eye contact.

Gaddesby was the next port of call where I pointed out to Keith the scene of Brian’s recent clash with a lorry near the Cheney Arms pub. More hills followed but we were driven on by the thought of a relaxing stop at the Brook Cafe in Syston after passing through Queniborough. Imagine our crestfallen faces when we read the sign on the door that the cafe was open 6 days a week and (you’ve guessed it) Wednesday was the day they closed. Thinking on our feet we rode the 50 yards or so to the High Street and entered a bespoke cake shop. So overcome were we with the smell of sugar we forgot to put on our face coverings. Despite this the proprietor served up two hot drinks and a cheese scone for Keith.

Suitably refreshed the last 12 miles was a bit of a slog with the wind now in our face. The evidence of a wild night can be seen in the accompanying photo where we both had to carry our bikes over a sizeable fallen tree near Barkby Brook. Our route into Loughborough was via the path by the River Wreake, Rothley, Woodhouse and the secret track by the side of Beaumanor Hall.

Another Intermediate Ride: Report by Terry.

Howard left Holt Drive first with a long ride, to who knows where, I was just about to follow when behind me oi where are you going?

Apparently I was to lead an intermediate ride. Asked where we were going, Kegworth via Barrow!

Margaret, Robert, Rob and Brian, on his electric speed machine, opted to follow me to Oaklands in Kegworth. We left Holt Drive via Outwoods Road, and Cross Hill Lane out through Quorn to Barrow. Left at the “dinosaur” roundabout and left again to Cotes. At Cotes we crossed the A60, not a nice place to cross and along to Stanford, I had not been along here for a couple of years, which is why I chose this route.

Going up Foxhill there was a flash of lightning Brian was in overdrive, unfortunately I was not quick enough with my tow rope, we all regrouped at the top and carried on to Normanton and Sutton Bonnington. I was ready with my tow rope at Marle Pit Hill, but Brian stayed back with Margaret, so I had to pedal all the way up. On past the School of Agriculture and left to Kegworth arriving a Oaklands. Coffee and snacks were enjoyed, well I enjoyed my sausage roll but Rob said his pre-packed cake was a bit dry.

Leaving Oaklands going up Whatton Road hill was a challenge with full stomachs and stiff legs and on to Long Whatton. At Long Whatton Robert went left to Hathern and home and the rest of us right to Shepshed. I had proposed to return through Garendon Park but it was decided to go through Shepshed and return via the A512 and the university, Brian had left us by this time. At the M1 island we paused a while and speculated where the cycle track would be, or if there was going to be one! Margaret left us as we left the university, Rob and I split on Valley Road. We covered 27 miles in total.

Post ride I looked on the County Council website to see if there was to be a cycle track. The plans were a little unclear so I have emailed them to find out about the cycle track and safe crossing at the roundabout, I am still awaiting a response.

I took a photo but it's out of focus, I think my camera is bust!!!😒

Short Ride

Once the other three pods had departed John was left with Rob, Wendy, Andrew, Myles and Mick. It was decided to head west, upwind, via Garendon Park, Belton and Osgathorpe arriving finally at the far west point - Cloud Hill Quarry. John had last used the viewing point more than a decade before and had mistakenly assumed it would still be worth a visit. After leading the group down the hill he was disappointed to find the viewpoint overgrown with freshly grown trees blocking most of the view. The group then went up the hill to Top Brand and headed downwind for Long Whatton via Diseworth. After a pleasant break for coffee/tea/cake (CTC) the riders returned to Loughborough via Hathern.

Rob, Wendy, Andrew, Myles and Mick at Long Whatton Village Shop