Wednesday 8th November 2017

Post date: 07-Nov-2017 10:54:14

It was a beautiful sunny but chilly autumn day that greeted Ian, Patrick, Lyn, Eric, Terry, Brian, John, Howard, Phil, Rosalind, Jeff and Clyde when they gathered out Outwoods drive. As it had been raining heavily the day and night before it was decided to avoid unpaved surfaces and so the riders proceeded to Shepshed via the University and alongside the Ashby Road. The ride skirted Shepshed via Anson Road and Tickow Lane before proceeding north on Hallaford Road. The ride split with John and Rosalind taking the more direct route to Manor Farm at Long Whatton, while Howard led the larger part of the group via Belton. John had to leave the tea shop early as he had a train to catch in the early afternoon leaving Howard to lead the group back to Loughborough.

Howard leading the group past Long Whatton Post Office.