Wednesday 18th December 2019

Post date: 17-Dec-2019 14:17:51

A very grey, cold and damp morning saw another good turnout and three groups set out from Outwoods Drive.

Shortest Ride

John needed to get back to catch a train so volunteered to lead a shorter than normal ride to Sileby. This opportunity of early refreshments in the warm must have appealed as he was joined by Clyde, Wendy, Rosalind, Rob, Lynn, Myles and Robert. The group set out via Cross Lane and through the Shelthorpe estate before joining the cycle path to Quorn. The riders then proceeded via Melton Road to Seagrave before dropping down to Seagrave where they were looking forward to refreshments in front of the wood burning stove. Unfortunately they weren't open so the riders had to move up the road to Cafe Nineteen. Here all managed to gather round a single table in the warm and a few minutes later were joined by Phil. After a pleasant sojourn the group returned via Mountsorrel before noon.

Intermediate ride(Report by David)

We were promised misty conditions by the weather forecasters and, although not raining, there was a dampness in the air.

Jeff led the ride, followed by Eric, John, Pat, Patrick, David and Marcus. It was taken at a pleasurable pace and provided an interesting variation on routes we have done before. Jeff took us up Pantain Road, along Valley Road and up Nanpantan Road. After a short gathering, we turned left along Woodhouse Lane/Breakback Road and rode the ups and downs until we got to Beacon Road. The turns from here to the Old Bull in Woodhouse Eaves can be blind, and our group had separated again; so, we regrouped. We passed through Woodhouse Eaves, turning into Maplewell Road and climbing the hill. We passed at least 3 post-boxes, so I could have brought my Christmas cards after all. After the school, we turned right on John Moores Lane. While stopped to draw breath, volunteers were sought to do the Big Dipper route along Priory Lane. None could be duped to take this alternative route, the selected route being largely downhill. Presently, we arrived at our refreshment stop – the Newtown Linford Post Office Café.

The café was a converted cottage, and was quite full downstairs, so we took the narrow staircase upstairs. There was a tempting array of chocolate-based delicacies, and seating for all. At the café, we were joined by Tricia and Alan. Shortly after our arrival, a man with tousled grey-white hair and whiskers to match arrived, followed by an Irish Wolfhound. As the hound ambled in, its ears brushed the light fittings (i.e. it was big, picture in the Gallery). But it was docile and went to sit down by its man. We all budged up a bit to provide a parking space, so the hound could settle itself. As the man was delivered of a cream tea, other dogs in the café peered nervously around corners wondering what the hound was going to eat. We did not get to find out, as we resumed our ride. Crouched on a window ledge, a furry brown hare watched us leave.

The ride through Bradgate Park was surprisingly cold after the warmth of the café, and the main walk busy with hikers. At the end of the track, the main gate was open for us, and we did not have to use the kissing gate. We proceeded down Roecliffe Road into Bradgate Road, and turned left along Leicester Lane. This took us to Main Street, Swithland. From here, we followed Brand Lane to Woodhouse. The remainder of the ride was without incident, and nearly half of us branched off at Quorn. The remainder returned to Loughborough, arriving at about 12:15.

The ride was 18 miles long, the first part being about three times as hilly as the return; so, I think we deserved our refreshments at the café.

Long Ride (Report by Howard)

We started the ride with six, Myself (Howard), Rob, Terry, Mick, Tricia and Alan. Part way, well early on Alan wasn't feeling too good and thought it wise to abandon. Tricia volunteered to keep him company, (Thanks Tricia) and they both somehow managed to meet up with the intermediate ride at Newton Linford. Intermediate ride gains two, Long ride loses two. Our route took us out of Loughborough, via Ling Road and Forest Road through Woodhouse to School Lane and Brand Lane before turning off up Swithland Road and onto the Charnwood 3 peaks Strava segment, comprising Swithland Hill, Warren Hill, and Sharpley Hill. Alan and Tricia diverted here to joining the Intermediate ride in Newton Linford. We found another hill to climb up Markfield lane. Then came Thornton, Bagworth, Barlestone, and Osbarton before finally reaching Market Bosworth. We parked up outside the Thistle Cottage Tearooms. The market was on, not though as you'd notice and there was sufficient room for the four of us without

any table re-arranging. After decent coffee and cake, we ambled outside for the group photo kindly taken by a nice woman waiting for her friend. The route back took us through Nailstone, Stanton under Bardon, and up to Copt Oak, where we turned of go up Beacon Road to give us that marvellous descent all the way down to Quorn getting us back into Loughborough for about 2p.m. after 40 miles and 2450 feet of elevation.