Wednesday 10th October

Post date: 08-Oct-2012 21:52:51

A grey but dry day greeted 4 rider when they assembled at Outwoods Drive. The stalwarts (Ray, John & Chris) were joined by Sean, his first ride with the group since being detained by the police in the winter (working :-) ).It was decided that it might be a good day for a bit of rough stuff as there hadn't been too much rain recently. The four riders set off across Garendon Park as the sky lightened and the sun began to put in an appearance. They then skirted Shepshed along Tickow Lane until finding the entrance to the old railway track back into Shepshed, where refreshments were obtained at the Truckers cafe next to the M1. The riders returned to Loughbrough just before noon.

Sean & Chris on old railway track bed