Wednesday 5th September 2018

Post date: 04-Sep-2018 07:28:39

An overcast early autumn day saw another good turnout with the group again splitting into two rides.

Thanks to Eric for the ride report on the longer ride....

All previous usurpers either were not present or melted into the pack as the undisputed leader of the long journey was confident on a route to Keyworth. 9 set out on the quest in a true Fellowship with the Wizard at the front. I didn't notice the Elf or the Dwarf but I'm sure there were some heroic men and a few hobbits in there. Certainly there was David and Dave, Marcus, Pat, Terry, Jeff, Eric and Rob. A few cycle paths and some red traffic lights saw us through town and out on the A 60 past Brush and on towards Cotes. Turning right up to Prestwold and left at the T junction we climbed the slope into Hoton. Turning right by the old church and onto Wymeswold Road we settled into a nice ride on the quiet country roads.

Dare I say there was a distinct feel of autumn in the air and after a long hot summer it was a shock to see long sleeves long trowsers and even some double layers.However they looked a hardy bunch and a bit of a chill wouldn't be putting this crew off.

Following those flowing silver locks was enough for most but Marcus did enjoy some spectacular front out riding in spite of wearing black not yellow! Jeff did a Stirling job as back marker although he had declined to wear his lurid green insect attracting outfit and had opted for a fetching royal blue number which was clear enough for the sharp eyed wizard to see. Into Wymeswold we came and turning left up Wysall lane. There was some puff and pant up the hill. A good long stretch down to Wysall. Near the church at Wysall we had a photo opportunity with a yellow bike which was one of the many markers for the forthcoming Tour of Britain route.

We set off again up the Keyworth road and as we neared the village on the corner by the memorial ground we took a brief break ensuring none of the group were about to join those resting there. We asked the postman for directions to our coffee stop. Four of us followed his instructions and the rest followed Garmin. Needless to say the local postie had it right and the 4 hobbits arrived first and had ordered coffee and cake at the excellent Sophia's before the big people arrived. Tables were shuffled and a lot of tea and coffee and several different cakes and scones were consumed. A good ride out and a top venue for a stop.

After everyone was fully refreshed and the chatter was complete we set out again for home. As we left the Last Homely House this time the leader took us down Selby lane and on a lovely route to Widmerpool. Once there we carried onto Willoughby on the Wolds. At Willoughby we turned right back to Wymeswold. Down the East road we swept. As we entered Wymeswold we said goodbye to Pat as she refused to supply the Fellowship with Tea and scones.

The rest turned left up Burton lane and onto Burton on the Wolds. Turning right and through the village we arrived at the T junction and went right onto Prestwold lane. Then left onto Loughborough road. At Cotes road to Barrow they waved a fond farewell to Eric and the rest of the fellowship completed the quest to Loughborough, crowned Marcus as king and sent the Wizard over the water back to the west.

Short Ride

John, Rob, Anne,Lyn, Lawrie, Paul and Patrick had opted for a short ride to Long Whatton. They headed out through the University and took the Garendon trail to Shepshed. However as they approached the bridge over the M1 they found the trail blocked by a large broken branch from an oak tree. After dismounting to move this the riders contined, by-passing Shepshed and taking the Sustrans route to Belton. Here they turned right and headed for Long Whatton where refreshments were taken in the new seating area outside the village shop and they were joined by Ray Clay. The riders then returned to Loughborough via Hathern.

Dave, Jeff, Pat, Eric, Rob, David, Marcus & Terry in front of Wysall Church
Keyworth Ride
Rob, Patrick, Lyn and Anne climbing Ashby Road towards Smithy Lane.
John, Rob, Anne, Lyn, Lawrie, Paul and Patrick at coffee