Wednesday 24th May 2017

Post date: 16-May-2017 15:11:46

A beautiful late spring day saw Rob, Eric, Terry, Anne, Patrick, Phil, Rosalind and John gathering at Outwoods Drive. As Christian Aid were holding a coffee morning in the village hall at Normanton on Soar it was decided to head there. To take advantage of the sunshine, but before the temperature got too high, it was decided to undertake most of the miles before coffee and the riders set out through the University and across Garendon Park. They then proceeded north to Long Whatton and Kegworth where they crossed the Soar and headed south through Sutton Bonington to the village hall. Here excellent refreshments (particularly cake) were available. The riders were persuaded to buy raffle tickets and then proceeded to win more than their fair share of the prizes. After a pleasant sojourn in the sunshire, the riders returned via Fox Hll and Meadow Lane.

Rosalind, Anne, Terry and Patrick on Kegworth Lane.