Wednesday 16th August 2017

Post date: 15-Aug-2017 19:34:15

Marcus, Derek, Graham, Lyn, Terry, Patrick, Pat, Eric and Anne.

A very good turnout of 10 arrived at Outwoods Drive this morning. Led by Howard, Derek, Graham, Patrick, Marcus,Eric, Brian, Terry, Anne and a most welcome new lady Pat, set out on a pleasant, sometimes sunny morning in a moderate breeze. We cycled through Garendon Park and Shepshed and on to Belton. We must have sounded keen and looked fit because Howard then continued to take us via a steep staircase onto the Cloud Trail and further still to Melbourne. At the grandly entitled Melbourne Hall Tea Rooms we cleaned them out of tea and teacakes, coffee and crumpets, just in time before a large party of hungry looking walkers turned up. We beat a hasty retreat before they realised we had scoffed all the supplies. With renewed vigour a new route via Wilson and Breedon including a grim climb (remembered fondly by Terry and Eric who had to do it twice on a previous visit!) was conquered and back to Belton via Mill Lane. From Belton the outward journey was repeated, and as the merry band arrived back in to Loughborough and dispersed it was calculated we had done around 40k or 25 miles in old money. This is a little longer that we often do but very enjoyable all the same. Meeting at same place same time next week so long as weather allows, we can find another jolly trip to enjoy.This excellent report was provided by Eric, Howard.