Wednesday 10th June 2015

Post date: 09-Jun-2015 07:31:39

Keith on the old railway track at Shepshed.

Only two riders turned up for the ride, Ray and Keith. The weather was fine and sunny but there was a chill in the air. Ray was quite keen to

investigate the state of the old railway track in Shepshed. The last

time the group rode there it was very muddy. Ray and Keith set off to

Shepshed along Epinal Way to Garendon Park eventually meeting the

railway track at Tickow Lane. This time the surface was fine and well

kept with the undergrowth having been cut back and no litter. Reaching

the end of the track, they turned left for a short distance for tea at

Armstrongs, where Keith seemed to know most of the staff! The return to

Loughborough was back up the hill to the A512 cycleway and a shortcut

through the University.