Wednesday 3rd April 2019

Post date: 02-Apr-2019 16:02:09

Sheila and Gill on Kegworth Lane nr. Windmill Farm
Tricia, Phil, Brian, Rob, Kevin, Marcus, Pat and Jeff in Long Clawson.

On Monday evening the weather forecast was for a cold day with snow and sleet showers, but by Tuesday evening the threat of April showers had been withdrawn and the ride was on. Despite the forecast not being too great over twenty cyclists turned out for what was a cold but pleasant day with plenty of weak sunshine.

Short Ride

The ride set off north, in a reversal of the previous week's ride, as far a Hathern but losing Rosalind, whose knee was playing up, and Derek who turned back at the northern end of Epinal Way as he had a plane to Miami to catch in the afternoon. The remaining riders - Rob, David, Anne, Patrick, Lyn, Sheila (from Sheffield), Gill, Paul and Keith - turned into Kegworth Lane in Long Whatton to climb up to the new Kegworth baypass. It was then a swift descent into Kegworth for refreshments at Oaklands. The group then wended its way back to Loughborough via Kingston on Soar, West Leake and Normanton on Soar on what was a much better day than had been feared at the beginning of the week.

Long Ride(Report by Tricia)

Those on the ride: Howard, Jeff, Pat, Brian, Marcus, Phil, Eric, Rob, Alan, Tricia

Howard led us out to Long Clawson, via Paudy Lane, Six Hills and the road to Belvoir Castle. A small contretemps between Eric and Rob at a crossroads led to Rob being briefly sprawled out in the road. No damage was done, but strangely Eric soon slunk away when no-one was looking, so was perhaps suffering from a guilty conscience? (must have missed all that, I do know Eric decided to finish early to get his bike serviced, Howard.) And so there were nine. The descent to our destination down Waltham Lane was steep, and some enthusiastic bikers hunched over their handlebars must have hit 40mph!

We took over the café and the bikes took over the small village green at Long Clawson, so I think the villagers knew we’d arrived. Good café and top class scone, Terry. The pace of the return trip, via Lower and Upper Broughton and Wymeswold, was far more rapid than the outward journey, and as the peloton stretched out I kept company with the designated back marker. A good 35 mile round trip. Tricia.