Wednesday 1st May 2019

Post date: 30-Apr-2019 07:55:24

A bright but cool May Day saw a turnout back up into the high teens and some new riders (Ed, Heather and Neil) joining the rides.

Long Ride Report

Keith, Ed, Marcus, Clyde, Heather, Pat, Rob and Eric on Park Road east of Hungarton.

Ed, Heather, Pat, Rob, Clyde, Marcus, Eric, Keith and Jeff signed up for the long ride, with a break for refreshments at Holland’s Nurseries in Twyford on the itinerary. So it was, in the company of beautiful weather, that they sallied forth up Outwoods Drive to Cross Hill Lane and through Shelthorpe to the end of Manor Road, to join Ling Road. South along the Soar Valley through Quorn and Mountsorrel to the crossroads at Rothley, where they turned left onto Cossington Lane. Picking up the cycleway by Cossington Lakes, they took to the path alongside the River Wreake, adorned with its flotilla of narrowboats slumbering dreamily at their moorings in the fine spring morning sunshine, evoking an image from a more relaxed and quieter way of life. At Wanlip Road, by the Hope & Anchor, they turned left towards Syston, crossing the bridge over the very busy and noisy A607, a stark contrast to the preceding riverside ambience. Progressing via Fosse Way and Melton Road to Barkby Lane they meandered through picturesque Barkby and Beeby, where the route begins to climb towards Hungarton.

About half a mile or so before the Black Boy Inn in Hungarton, Eric stopped by a field gate, announcing he wanted a leek! This seemed a bit perplexing, given that all of the fields appeared to be growing rapeseed. Anyhow, the rest of the group waited patiently by the Black Boy Inn until, a now relieved, Eric caught up. (Of course - a leak!) Onwards through Hungarton, along Cold Newton Road and left onto Park Road, they assembled for the customary photo shoot. Here, among spectacular scenery, the single track road plummets towards Queniborough Brook and it was about half way down this rapid descent that Jeff decided the smooth tarmac road surface was not sufficiently challenging at high speed and how much more thrilling it would be to complete the descent across the adjacent field, instead. Having completely lost control of his bike, he made every effort to fall off it. However, his bike was having none of these shenanigans and amazingly kept him upright and in the saddle, thus averting a potentially nasty ‘spill’. Up and left onto the B6047 Harborough to Melton Road soon delivered them to the designated refreshments stop.

Seated outside at the picnic tables, they gazed pensively over the tranquil surroundings, with the distant, disused railway viaduct towards Marefield punctuating the gently undulating Leicestershire countryside. Soon, tea, coffee and belly-buster sized wedges of cake and other comestibles were duly dispensed for their delectation. About half an hour later, with replete stomachs all tanked up for the return journey, they set off once more, down the fairly steep hill towards Twyford with such alacrity as to trigger the 30mph speed limit detector to flash its irate, menacing exhortation to ‘Slowdown!’ - normally the purview of errant motorists. With a newly acquired fixation for speeding, the 9 muscle machines pounded their way to Ashby Folville and Gaddesby, turning right by The Cheney Arms and up Park Hill towards Rotherby, requiring another crossing of the busy A607, this time on the level. Brooksby and Hoby soon vanished in a blur as the speed-obsessed peloton threaded its way towards Ragdale and its infamous hill. At Six Hills Pat branched off to return home to Wymeswold while the rest struck out along Paudy Lane, turning right at Big Lane crossroads, towards Walton on the Wolds and the last big climb of the ride. Taking the Cotes road, they entered Loughborough along the A60 at which point the group began to disperse.

Short Ride

Phil, John, Patrick, Terry, Neil, Howard and Rob decided on a very relaxed ride to a familiar watering hole, the Jade Tea Rooms at Newton Linford. John led off via Cross Lane and manage to confuse Phil when he started to go left before realising he meant to go left causing a slight collision. It was agreed that John needed to improve his concentration on the job in hand. The riders then headed over to the track past Mucklin Wood and then on through Swithland and Bradgate Park to the Jade Cafe where some gave way to the temptations offered by their excellent cakes. The riders then returned through the park, taking Reservoir Road to Cropston and on to Rothley Stations before returning through Swithland again and on to Quorn and then home.

Phil leads Patrick, Terry, Neil, Howard and Rob towards Mucklin Wood.