Wednesday 14th February 2018

Post date: 13-Feb-2018 19:39:01

Derek has substituted for Terry
Clyde, Phil, Eric, Howard, Graham, Lyn, Terry, Marcus & Brian at the Butter Market, Mountsorrel.

There were only red noses and no red roses this Valentine's day as 10 sadly unromantic men left their wives in favour of a meeting at Outwoods Drive. They came on the promise of a short ride on these very pages as they day was very cold and icy under wheels. Initially led south by Howard, following in a slightly unenthusiastic way were Brian, Phil, Derek, Clyde, Eric, Lyn, Terry, Marcus and Graham. Trying to warm up the group Derek regaled the us with stories cycling in sunny Spain from whence he had just returned .. it didn't work. The dreary ride up the A6 through Quorn and Mountsorrel could not be lightened. Phil even tried to liven up proceedings with a comedy moment and fell off his bike. Sadly nobody saw him therefore his efforts were wasted so he will have to show us that one again next week! Howard insisted on smiles from everyone as we were photographed by the Butter market. Marcus tried to avoid his image being captured not because he had just got out his coffin as someone unkindly remarked but because he'd told his wife he just nipped out for a loaf of bread!

Howard tried to create excitement by taking us though the back lanes of Mountsorrel and we were all thrilled as we were led up a previously unknown track that led to the Toilet roll depot. From there we skipped around the building site by Rowena Garden centre, back under the A6 and up to Daisy's tea room in the garden centre on the A6. The warm air that greeted the crew was gratefully received. A lot of Tea, coffee and even more cake was consumed and there was a certain reluctance to leave.

Terry usurped power on the promise of a more thrilling ride home. He certainly delivered as we Initially headed into a strong cold southerly wind but turned right at the Old Red Lion as was. Then he treated us to a mesmeric journey and all the sights of Cossington, Sileby and Barrow upon Soar. Crossing the river some departed left across the slabs and the rest went on home to Loughborough via Quorn.

As promised it was a short ride, but resilience was tested by the cold and all are rather wishing the spring would arrive early next week. If not how is Derek going to fit us all into his flat in Spain?

Re: 2 pictures; Spot the difference.