Wednesday 10th September 2014

Post date: 09-Sep-2014 12:08:38

It was a very pleasant bright late summer morning when Jerry, Howard, Derek and John gathered at Outwoods Drive. After some discussion it was decided to head for Beth's Kitchen at Breedon on the Hill, particularly as Howard had spotted the day before that free Bramley apples were on offer at the house "en route" at Belton. After traversing the University and Garendon Park the riders arrived in Belton where there was still a good supply of apples. All the riders took advantage of the offer, John in particular being able to load up his panniers. The riders then continued on, taking a longer route via Worthington, where they stopped to inspect the lock up. After refreshments the riders returned via Tonge, Belton and Garendon Park, arriving in Loughborough shortly after noon.

Jerry, Derek and Howard outside the "lockup" in Worthington