Wednesday 20th June 2018

Post date: 23-Jun-2018 09:20:36

Pat & Clyde appear to be enjoying the climb

When Clyde, David, Myles ( a new rider), Brian, Marcus, Patrick, John and Pat gathered at Outwoods Drive they were anticipating a warm sunny ride on an early summer's day and, as Clyde has completed a 90+ miles to Skeggie the previous day, it decided to go for a steady ride, with few steep ascents, to the Monastery Tea Rooms. The riders set off through the University, across Garendon Park, by-passing Shepshed by using Oakley Road and Tickow Lane before using Charley Road to climb up into Charnwood Forest. The riders turned right into Oaks Road to climb up to St Joseph's Tea Room at Abbey Grange.

As they were still optimistic about the weather refreshments were taken outdoors. Unfortunately it began to spit with rain and by the time it came to leave it became apparent that they needed to "cape up". The group rejoined Charley Road and continued the steady climb to Beacon Road. After surmounting the Beacon and a rapid freewheel descent the sun returned and waterproofs were discarded just outside Woodhouse. At Beaumanor the groups split with some continuing to Quorn whilst other took the rougher track past Mucklin Wood back to Loughborough.