Wednesday 31st October 2018

Post date: 30-Oct-2018 07:20:27

A cold but beautiful autumn morning saw some 20+ cyclists gather at Outwoods Drive. Due the numbers it was decided for the first time to split into no less than three groups with Howard taking the longer ride, Jeff an intermediate and John a short ride.

The Long Ride. (thanks to Eric for report)

It was a bright brisk Halloween day. The ghoulish celebrations to come were foreshadowed by a momentous event for the Loughborough Wednesday Cyclists. We will of course have to check with the club's archivist at the club's AGM, but we believe this was the first time that we have ventured out from Outwoods Drive in 3 groups. The longest of the rides it was announced was to be Swarkestone via the Cloud Trail. No witches appeared this 31st of October but the Wizard, Howard himself was to lead and 'spookily" it was once again to be nine in the fellowship. (Mind you John had bellowed " no more than 10" as we disappeared into the distance so maybe some back pedalled at that point' we never knew if they did!) The eight that were mad enough to get involved with that devilish wizard again were Derek, Brian, Pat, Marcus, Phil, Clyde, Eric and Terry as back marker (thank you Terry).

Out through the University campus and up to Garendon Park and onto Shepshed and then onwards to Belton. We exited Belton via Mill Lane and up the hill to Gelston lane. At the large roundabout next to the A42 we turned left onto Top Brand. At this point we started overtaking the back markers of another cycling group out from Donington. Before we put them all to shame by overtaking their out riders we turned right down Stocking lane. We fairly fizzed down the steep hill after all the climbing and past the Cloud quarry with the odd mixture of dust and bitumen reaching our nostrils. We crossed the A42 and then did an immediate right in a cunning little move known only to the Wizard, The path led parallel to the dual carriageway and onto the Cloud Trail. This is where the trail has been cut in 2 by the A42 and the other direction would have been accessed on the other side of the bridge. (This is why he is given these high responsibilities!) The trail was a great long flat ride past Breedon, Wilson and even Melbourne where all the riders had reverted to type. Phil road out in front, Derek insisted on taking photographs every mile, Clyde enraptured us with stories from around the globe, Terry tried hard not to fall of his bike and Pat reminded us that she had already done 10 miles before we had even started, whilst trying to get us guess how you spell her surname!

We crossed the Trent, then the canal and onto Swarkestone road and so to Swarkestone Nursery. In we went to a surprisingly busy cafe, with Clyde indignant that even older people than he had got there before him on the OAP Wednesday special. Derek tried to cadge a quid off Marcus in order to by a 1 kilo piece of Carrot cake with 3 inches of butter icing. Marcus refused for fear of him been called upon to do the resuscitation if he actually consumed it. He bought it anyway and looked none the worse for wear afterward excepting the fact that his bare backside hung out of his trousers all the way home making those cycling behind him wishing they had eaten a little less cake also.

Very large sticky comestibles were consumed by most of the party except for Eric, "my body is a temple... I'm just having a coffee and skinny milk" .. don't the recently converted just make you sick? Tea and coffee a plenty before saddling up and making for the long journey home. Other than a rather unpleasant ride down the A517 across the Causeway to Stanton by Bridge and skirting Melbourne we largely followed the exact same route home. We relaxed and chatted and didn't notice the tired legs till the end. Less relaxing was when Brian decided to come to almost a dead halt whilst climbing the steepest part of the hill up Stocking lane. The rest careered into him as Quarry trucks thundered by. The chattering died down for a while as we all got going again and it was replaced by deep breathing and muttering under the breath! Most will have done over 30 miles but according to Strava Pat had done 46 by the time she got back.

For those interested these rides are now getting posted up onto Strava so just ask Howard or Eric if you want to follow them. Lovely day, great ride, "devilish" cake, company "bewitching". Regards Eric.

The Intermediate Ride (thanks to Jeff for report)

Shortly after watching the long-ride group disappear down Outwoods Drive, the remainder of the morning’s turnout repositioned themselves more comfortably, leaning against their bikes with a well-honed skill that’s only acquired through years of experience, and settling themselves in for a lengthy chinwag in the lovely morning sunshine. However, this air of tranquility and languor was suddenly shattered by John flourishing his trusty OS Landranger map of the region, so that he could clarify the route for the intermediate-ride group. It was slightly alarming as he began to unfold more and more of the map in order to display the ride in its entirety. Undaunted by all this, Patrick, David, Rob, Rob & Jeff assembled themselves under starter’s orders, tasked with the Racehub cafe at Six Hills.

So, off they pedalled in a Southerly direction exiting Loughborough along Epinal Way. On entering Quorn they turned left at the mini roundabout onto Barrow Road, seeking out the pedestrian bridge over the A6 and progressing to Barrow via ‘The Slabs’. Rejoining the road by the river, it was up the steep hill, right at the roundabout and left on Melton Road. With the breeze in their hair (well, cycle helmets) and the low sun beaming down from an azure sky, they headed up onto Paudy Lane and were soon approaching the A46 at Six Hills and, more importantly, the Racehub cafe. Partaking of their refreshments outside on the picnic benches by the lake, the conversational topic of the day revolved around medical research, clinical trials and human guinea-pigs, etc. Though not present, this topic was somehow, perhaps tenuously, linked to the recent antics of Howard ...

As they were departing, they encountered Lyn who was just arriving, in a group consisting of one. Had he been left behind at the start? After a brief chat, they parted ways, leaving Lyn to take refreshments, and chose to return to Loughborough via Wymeswold, Hoton, Cotes and Stanford, to add some spice to the ride.

The Short Ride.

John led Rosalind, Anne, Gill, Paul and David south (taking route throught the Shelthorpe estate to avoid the crossing at the Tesco roundabout) down to Mountsorrel, across the Soar to Sileby. The group joined the cycle track at Cossington which took them down to the canal. The narrow boats (one of which had just got its wood burning stove going judging by the smoke) looked very attractive in the sun. Climbing the bridge to Meadow Lane the riders turned east and wended their way to the Brookside Cafe at Syston. David disappeared to purchase some honey while the rest enjoyed tea and toasted tea cakes in the cafe. The riders returned along the same route and arriving back in Loughborough just after noon.

Brian, Clyde, Terry, Pat, Howard, Marcus, Eric and Phil at the bridge over the Trent on the Cloud Trail near Melbourne.
Gill leads Paul towards the Soar/Wreake junction.