Wednesday 16th December 2015

Post date: 15-Dec-2015 11:57:25

The day turned out to be more drizzly than had been expected from the forecast when Patrick, Peter, Terry, Kevin & John met up. It was decided to head out via Shepshed to Lubcloud Farm Tea Room taking the road route to Shepshed rather than risking the mud across Garendon Park. However,on arrival at the Tea Rooms (at the top of a hill) the riders discovered that the opening hours had been changed and they no longer opened on Wednesdays. After a brief discussion, and persued by a fierce terrier, the riders proceeded to the Monastery Tea Rooms for some welcome refreshments. The riders then return via Charley Road and over the Beacon to Loughborough.

Kevin, Patrick, Peter and Terry at the top of Tuckow Lane.